version 2.2.6 (11.2017)
- Applet signed with new java code certificate, valid up to November 2019. Also applet is signed with timestamp. It should allow to use applet even whn code sign certificate is expired.
version 2.2.6 (02.2016)
- Issue with concurrent start of several applets in several tabs in browser at the same time.
- Issue with Java 1.8 update 131 and MD5withRSA sign algorithm.
version 2.2.5 (12.2015)
- Applet signed with new java code certificate, valid up to December 2017.
- Issue with adding files without extension to archive before upload. Issue was related to empty value of the Upload.Compress.IgnoreFileTypes parameter.
- Removed <param name="java_arguments" value=""/> from all examples. It may cause problems with launching applet when new JRE 7 update 65 used.
Common.SkipCompletedFiles - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether JavaPowUpload hsould skip already uploaded files or not. When user select files, upload them and then select another bunch of files for upload, JavaPowUpload will skip uploaded files from first bunch and will process only second bunch of files.
Common.SkipCompletedFiles - Boolean. Default value is true.
version 2.2.4 (12.2014)
- JavaPowUpload will guess image type based on it's data instead of file extension. Even if image encoded in png format have jpg file extension, it will be displayed and processed.
- Issue with renaming files from tree: if file rename fails in file system, file still renamed in tree.
- Issue with not working Upload.PersistFilesList parameter.
- Issue with checkboxes in table view.
- Issue with background colors.
Common.HideBackgroundImageWhenFilesAdded - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether background image for list, table and thumbnails view should be hidden when files added.
Common.HideBackgroundImageWhenFilesAdded - Boolean. Default value is true.
version 2.2.3(10.2013)
- Calculation of checksum (md5) for each chunk of data.
- Issue with not displayed warning message about ignored files when Upload.FileFilter.Types parameter is set.
- Issue with adding files to download list from java script. (files with repeating folder name in path).
- Issue with JavaScript communication and Java 7 update 40 (45). Short description: As of Java 7u45 an applet will display a warning message (even if signed with a trusted cert) if a webpage tries to interact with it via javascript and that page isn't listed in the manifest's Caller-Allowable-Codebase attribute. So, setting this attribute is required to get rid of warning message for java update 45. From other side here is note from java update 45 release notes: If a trusted, signed jar is using the Caller-Allowable-Codebase manifest attribute along with Trusted-Library then the Caller-Allowable-Codebase manifest entry will be ignored and, as a result, a JavaScript -> Java call will show the native LiveConnect warning. The workaround is to remove the Trusted-Library manifest entry. However, this breaks Java 7 Update 21 - 40 which treated JavaScript code that calls code within a signed applet running with all permissions as mixed code and warning dialogs are raised if the signed JAR files are not tagged with the Trusted-Library=true attribute.
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Position - String. Default value is "".
Added new value format for this parameter:
Now it is possible to set margin for each direction.
New format is: verticalPosition[:verticalMargin].horizontalPosition[:horizontalMargin]
Margins can be omited.
Here are examples:
All of them are valid values for thumbnail.watermark.position parameter.
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Position - String. Default value is "".
Upload.AmazonS3.RestoreFolderStructure - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether applet should restore directory structure on AmazonS3 server. -
Common.PopupMenu.DisableDuringProcess - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether context menu should be displayed during upload/download process or not. -
Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.MD5 - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether md5 checksum should be calculated for each chunk. -
Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ChunkMD5 - String. Default value is "ChunkMD5".
Name of form field which contain md5 checksum, of single data chunk.
Upload.AmazonS3.RestoreFolderStructure - Boolean. Default value is true.
ver 2.2.2
- Updated ftp library.
- Possibility to limit upload/download bandwidth.
- Fixed issue with java 7 update 21 and java script communication.
- Fixed issue with proxy server for FTP connections.
- Fixed issue with Download.RemovePartiallyDownloadedFiles parameter and removing zero length files.
- Fixed issue adding folders with the same name from html parameters.
- Common.BandwidthLimit - Number. Default value is "-1". Limit upload/download bandwidth. The value in kilobytes per second.
- Common.ConnectionTimeOut - Number. Default value is "5000".
The connection timeout in milliseconds. Will be used for all connections (ftp, http, download and upload). - Common.ReadTimeOut - Number. Default value is "30000".
The timeout in milliseconds to use when reading from the data connection. Will be used for all connections (ftp, http, download and upload).
ver 2.2.1
- Resize modes for images.
- Multipart encoding for chunked upload mode.
- Fixed issue with chinesse language in conext menu when custom theme applied.
- Image files were blocked by applet in some cases.
- Remove and Clear buttons disabled while upload.
- Hide background image when fiels added.
- Upload.Thumbnails.ResizeMode - String. Default value is "fit".
Resize mode for thumbnails generation. Available values:
fit - JavaPowUpload will generate thumbnails with a size based on the aspect ratio of an original image. The result thumbnail dimensions may differ from thumbnail.width and thumbnail.height if the aspect ratio of an original image and destination thumbnail are different.
fitByWidth - the result thumbnail will always have specified width. The result thumbnails height calculated with respect of the the aspect ratio of the original image.
fitByHeight - the result thumbnail will always have specified height. The result thumbnails width calculated with respect of the the aspect ratio of the original image.
crop - Result thumbnail will always have specified dimensions. If it is necessary, the image will be cropped by width or height. - Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.Multipart - Boolean. Default value is "false".
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should send file data in raw format or use MultiPart encoding when chuncked upload is enabled.
If the parameter is set to true JavaPowUpload will encode each chunck using MultiPart encoding andeach chunk will be present as a file on server side.
It allows to stick together file parts easily and send a lot of additional information.
- Upload.Thumbnails.ResizeMode - String. Default value is "fit".
ver 2.2.0
- New UI layout.
- Improved quality of image thumbnails.
- Added progress information about thumbnails generation process.
- Added compressed JAR files (pack.gz), which are up to 3 times less in size than jar files.
- Added repeat watermark mode.
- Images preview in download mode.
- ErrorMessage.CouldNotLoadData - String. Default value is "Could not load data from #DATAURL#".
Error message displayed when JavaPowUpload could not load from DataURL parameter. - ErrorMessage.JCIFSLibraryNotInstalled - String. Default value is "Applet is configured to use external library (jcifs-1.3.14.jar) for NTLM authentication, but it could not be loaded.".
Message displayeds when the value of the Upload.HttpUpload.Auth.UseJcifsNtlmEngine parameter is set to true and required jar file could not be loaded. - Upload.FileSystemTree.BottomUploadArea.Visible - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether upload file view should be displayed at bottom when file system view is enabled. - Common.DefaultView - String. Default value is "tree".
Determins which file view should be used by default.
Availabl values:
Tree, Thumbnails, Table - Common.TopArea.FileViewButton.Visible - URL. Default value is true.
Determines whether button is visible or not. - Common.TopArea.FileViewButton.Icon - String. Default value is "/icons/view_tree.png".
Url to buttons icon. - Common.TopArea.FileViewButton.Label - String. Default value is empty.
Buttons label. - Common.TopArea.FileViewButton.ToolTip - String. Default value is "Change file view".
Buttons tooltip. - Common.TopArea.FileViewButton.Width - Number. Default value is -1.
Width of button. - Common.TopArea.FileViewButton.Height - Number. Default value is -1.
Height of button. - Common.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.OnClick - String. Default value is "process".
Determines what to do on download (upload) button click. Available values:
process - default action (launch download/upload prcess)
event - fire java script event onButtonClick - Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.ShowDetailsOnDoubleClick - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether file details panel should be displayed on double click in thumbnails view . - Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.EditPanel.HideForInactive - Booelan. Default value is true.
Determines whether top panel in thumbnails view item should be visible only for active item. - Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.EditPanel.HideForInactive.Animate - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determiens whether animation should be used to show/hide top panel in thumbnails view item. - Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ShowDetailsOnDoubleClick -Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether file details panel should be displayed on double click in table view . - Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Progress - String. Default value is "Progress".
Header for progress column in table view. - Common.PopupMenu.Check.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/check.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.Uncheck.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/uncheck.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.CheckAll.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/chekall.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.UncheckAll.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/unchekall.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.AddFolder.Icon - URL. Default value is
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.ProxySettings.Icon - String. Default value is /icons/settings.png
Context menu item icon. - Upload.PopupMenu.DownloadSelected.Icon - String. Default value is /icons/download.png
Context menu item icon. - Upload.PopupMenu.UploadSelected.Icon - String. Default value is /icons/upload.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.Open.Icon - String. Default value is /icons/open.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.Remove.Icon - String. Default value is /icons/remove.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.Rename.Icon - String. Default value is /icons/rename.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.View - String. Default value is "View".
Context menu item label. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Visible - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether menu item is visible or not. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/upload_download_tree.png.
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Tree - String. Default value is "Tree".
Context menu item label. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Tree.Visible - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether menu item is visible or not. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Tree.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/view_tree.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Table - String. Default value is "Table".
Context menu item label. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Table.Visible - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether menu item is visible or not. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Table.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/view_detail.png
Context menu item icon. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Thumbnails - String. Default value is "View".
Context menu item label. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Thumbnails.Visible - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether menu item is visible or not. - Common.PopupMenu.View.Thumbnails.Icon - URL. Default value is /icons/view_thumb.png
Context menu item icon. - Upload.FileFilter.IgnoreTypes - String. Default value is empty.
An array of file types which should be ignored. Comma (,) is file types delimter.
Example: Upload.FileFilter.IgnoreTypes=exe,com,bat - Upload.FileFilter.FileNamePattern - String. Default value is "^((?!(Thumbs.db|.DS_Store)).)*$"
Regular expression to filter files. - Upload.AllowCheckFiles - Boolean. Default value is false
Determins whther checkboxes for each file are visible in upload mode or not. - Download.CheckFileLength - Boolean. Default value is false
Determines if JavaPowUPload should send additional request to server befoire actual download to check file length. - Upload.HttpUpload.Auth.StoreCredentials - Boolean. Default value is true
Determines whther JavaPowUpload should store credentials on user computer. - Upload.HttpUpload.Auth.UseJcifsNtlmEngine - Boolean. Default value is false
Determines whther JavaPowUPload should use external JCIFS library for ntlm authentication. It may be helpfull in case if build into HttpClien auth did not work with your server. - Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.MinChunkSize - Number. Default value is 50000
Minimum size of chunk in bytes. Used only when value of the Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.ChunkSize parameter is set to -1. - Upload.HttpUpload.ResponseTimeOut - Number. Default value is 30000
Timout to wait reply from http server.
- ErrorMessage.CouldNotLoadData - String. Default value is "Could not load data from #DATAURL#".
- Fixed issue with uploads to FTPS server.
- Fixed issue when one upper level folder stored as last select path.
- Fixed issue with posting custom form fields added with ListItem.addPostFields javascript method.
- Fixed issue with not resumed download process when connection lost and restored.
- Fixed update progress for each file.
- Fixed issue with not updated tree in some cases.
- Fixed issue with folder icon in download mode when it was taked from user home folder for all folders.
- Fixed issue with disabled download button in download mode.
- Fixed issue with display conext menu in file tree when applet works in download mode.
- Improved behavior in download mode. Now only one request sent for each file if file not resumed.
- Fixed a lot of other minior issues
Added repeat mode for Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Position parameter.
Stntax: repeat.Vcount.Hcount
where VCount - count of repeats by vertical
and HCount - count opf repeats by horizontal
Example: repeat.4.3 -
Added more intuitive prefix for parameter names:
Common.FileView.Thumbnails.* for Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.*
Common.FileView.Table.* for Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.*
Common.FileView.Tree.* for Common.ListArea.*
Old and new parameters names can be used at the same time. New parameter names have more priority. - Changed value of Common.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.GenerateThumbnail parameter to Generate thumbnail (#WIDTH#x#HEIGHT#) for file #FILENAME#
- Changed value of Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.ThumbHeight=120
- Changed value of Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.ThumbWidth=120
- Changed value of Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.Icon=/icons/split.png
- Changed value of Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ColumnsOrder parameter to Check|Status|Name|Progress|Size|Date
- Changed value of Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ShowToolTips parameter to true
- Changed value of Common.DetailsArea.Visible parameter to false
- Changed value of Common.DetailsArea.ShowFileDetailsOnSingleFileSelection parameter to false
- Changed value of Upload.HttpUpload.ConnectionTimeOut parameter to 5000
Added repeat mode for Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Position parameter.
Stntax: repeat.Vcount.Hcount
ver 2.1.1
- Restore file list in upload mode after browser restart or page reload.
- Issue with not working Upload.FileFilter.SingleFileRenew parameter.
- Issue with call of some of java script event handlers (with empty parameters list).
- Issue with encoding of international characters in filenames (since 2.1 version).
- Issue with that files added using drag and drop are not filtered by value of Upload.FileFilter.SelectionMode parameter.
- Issue with resuming paused chuncked http upload mode process.
- Issue with not working Upload.AllowAddFilesWhileUpload parameter.
- Issue with exception displayed when user stop upload process of chunked upload mode.
- Issue with wrong progress bar ui for individual files in upload tree.
- Server commands for standard rfc coimpliant http upload mode.
- Issue with not worked reloadTree method.
- Issue with not worked upload when Common.AllowEmptyFolder set to true.
- Issue with not replaced #BROWSER# place holder at Upload.HttpUpload.UserAgent parameter for requests to properties and translation xml files.
- Issue with selection of detination folder in MAC OS when themes disabled (standard MAC OS look and feel used). "For example, if i select a the 'test' folder in the browse window and double click it, it appears in two places one is a folder drop down and another is a File name text box. when I continue to download, the files get download, but another folder with name 'test' is created underneath 'test' and then the files are downloaded there."
- Common.LiveConnect.AddSenderToEvents - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether javaPowUpload should add "sender" parameter as first argument to all event handlers.
If set to true, first argument of each javascript event handler will contain instance of JavaPowUpload object who initiated this event. - Upload.PersistFilesList - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether javaPowUpload should store on user computer list of selected files. - Upload.PersistFilesList.OnlyUnuploaded - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines which files should stored. If true - store only unuploaded files, otherwise all files. - Upload.PersistFilesList.AskToRestore - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether JavaPowUpload should ask user to restore list of files (if any) when applet started. If true, dialog box will be displayed with message Upload.PersistFilesList.RestoreMessage, otherwise files will be restored automatically. - Upload.PersistFilesList.RestoreMessage - String. Default value is "There are #FILESCOUNT# unuploaded files from previous session. Do you want to add them?".
Text of message displayed when there are files to restore when applet started. - Common.ExistanceBehaviour - String. Default value is "ask".
Determines what to do if file with the same name already exists. Possible values:
resume - resume upload/download
overwrite - overwrite existing file
skip - skip file
ask - ask to user (display dialog) - Common.FinishUrl.LoadOnlyWithoutErrors - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether FinishUrl should be loaded only when all files were sucessfully uploaded. - Upload.HttpUpload.ResponseTimeOut - Number. Default value is 30000.
Timeout (in milliseconds) for response from server . - Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ImageWidth - String. Default value is "ImageWidth_#COUNTER#".
Pattern for the last ImageWidth field name. - Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ImageHeight - String. Default value is "ImageHeight_#COUNTER#".
Pattern for the last ImageHeight field name. - Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailWidth - String. Default value is "ThumbnailWidth_#COUNTER#".
Pattern for the last ThumbnailWidth field name. - Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailHeight - String. Default value is "ThumbnailHeight_#COUNTER#".
Pattern for the last ThumbnailHeight field name. -
Added new java script event handler onAddFiles - fires each time when user add files to JPU.
Usage example: function JavaPowUpload_onAddFiles(files) { alert(files.length+" files added"); for(var i=0; i < files.length; i++) alert("added file "+files[i].getFileName()); }
- Common.LiveConnect.AddSenderToEvents - Boolean. Default value is false.
ver 2.1.0
- HttpClient library updated from 3.1 to 4.1 version.
- Compress feature allow compress files on client side and send compressed archive to server. For users this process is transparent. Compress process (if configured) launched when user press "Upload" button. Progress information displayed at status label, file progress bars and at total progress bar. Supported archive formats are ZIP, JAR, TAR, TAR-GZIP, TAR-BZIP2.
- Added ability to upload files directly to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).
- Upload.AmazonS3.AccessKeyId - String. Default value is .
Access Key ID to perform requests to Amazon. - Upload.AmazonS3.Policy - String. Default value is .
Encoded policy. - Upload.AmazonS3.Signature - String. Default value is .
Signature of request. - Upload.AmazonS3.Acl - String. Default value is "public-read".
Permissions to be set for uploaded file. Valid values are:
- Upload.AmazonS3.Key - String. Default value is "#FILENAME#".
Name of uploaded file. Use #FILENAME# placeholder for original file name.
This parameter helpfull if you need to upload files into some subfolder of your bucket.
Example: 'uploads/#FILENAME#' - Upload.AmazonS3.ContentType - String. Default value is "#AUTODETECT#".
Content type of uploaded files. Use #AUTODETECT# placeholder to allow MultiPowUpload automatically detect content type. -
Upload.Compress.Enabled- Boolean, Default value is false
Determines whether cfiles should be compressed before upload or not. -
Upload.Compress.ArchiveFileName- String, Default value is #UNIQUEID#
Name of archive file. You can use 2 placehglders:
#UNIQUEID# - will be replaced with unique identifier
#COUNTER# - will be replaced with current count of archive files
Upload.Compress.Format- String, Default value is ZIP
Format of generated archive file.
Available values: ZIP, JAR, TAR, TAR-GZIP, TAR-BZIP2 -
Upload.Compress.Level- String, Default value is DEFAULT
Compression level. Applies only for JAR and ZIP compression format.
Upload.Compress.MaxFilesInArchive- Integer, Default value is
Determines how many files should be included in one archive file. Empty value - all files will be placed in one archive. -
Upload.Compress.IncludeFileTypes- String, Default value is
Which files should be included into archive. Comma separated list of file types.
Example: txt,log,doc,docx -
Upload.Compress.IgnoreFileTypes- String, Default value is
Comma separated list of file types which should be ignored. For example you can configure to ignore already compressed types. Like mp3, jpeg, etc
Example: jpg,jpeg,mp3,ogg,avi,mpeg -
Upload.Compress.PlaceThumbnailsAtRoot- Boolean, Default value is false
If thumbnmails upload enabled, you can configure applet to place all generatred thumbnails at root of archive. If value set to true, all thumbnails placed at the root of archive, otherwise thumbnails placed in the same folders as source image files. -
ErrorMessage.CompressLibraryNotInstalled- String, Default value is "Compress feature is not supported because Compress library not installed on server. Files will be uploaded without compression. Please contact with server administrator."
Error message displayed when javaPowUpload cannot load library. -
Upload.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.Compress- String, Default value is "Compress: #TOTALPERCENT#% (#FILESNUM#). Current: #CURFILEPERCENT#% (#RATEVALUE#/sec, time left: #LEFTHOUR#:#LEFTMIN#:#LEFTSEC#)"
Status message displayed when the compression process is in progress.
Added parameter to the onAppletInit event handler. Parameter indicates whether applet launched at first time on user computer.
Usage example: function JavaPowUpload_onAppletInit(firstTime) { alert('at first time ?'+firstTime); }
- Thumbnails were not generated if the value of the Common.DetailsArea.Visible is set to false.
Remote name now can be set for files also in http upload mode.
Use setRemoteName of UploadItem object to set different name for uploaded file without renaming it on client side. - Issue with adding symbolic links ion unix systems. Name of link will be used, but ooriginal file will be uploaded. Only if link and original file not in the same folder.
- Issue with adding folders (from html parameters) with the names in download mode .
- Issue with blocked files after upload on user computer when chunked upload mode used.
ver 2.0.7
- Support of drag and drop functionality on *nix systems with GNOME interface.
- Issue with setting buttons dimensions when languane autodetection is disabled.
- Issue with adding files on some *unix systems.
- Isuue with display of server response in log area when p[age with applet were reloaded. Issue related to the JRE bug
- Issue with unique identificator of JavaPowUpload instance instead of file identiciator passed to the upload script in chunked upload mode.
- Issue with FTPS protocol - if ftps:// prfix was used in the value of the Upload.UploadUrl parameter, exception about wrong url format was generated.
- If file tree visible , onFileListLoaded event will be fired when tree is fully rendered, otherwise when xml file loaded from server.
- Updated some of translation files . Thanks to Fabrice Colin.
Common.DecimalBytes- Boolean, Default value is true
Determines whether JavaPowUPload should format bytes (kilo, mega, giga) in decimal system or in bunary. -
Common.FollowRedirects - Boolean, Default value is true
Determines whether HTTP redirects (requests with response code 3xx) should be automatically followed by JavaPowUpload.
Common.DecimalBytes- Boolean, Default value is true
ver 2.0.6
- Exception when trying to display server response (with wrong format) in log area.
- "/ by zero" exception when chunked upload mode used and the value of the Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.ChunkSize parameter set to -1.
- Bug in resumableandlargeupload.php script wich result incorrect restore of folder structure.
- Issue with not inited context menu in download mode.
- Issue with not applied visibility parameters for buttons, when applet work under MAC OS in Firefox browser.
- Issue with progress icon gif animation.
- Issue with elapsed time (min and hours) display.
- Issue with getting build-in resources when applet works in Safari and IE browsers.
- Ignore http 3xx redircetion status code in reply on http post request.
- Issue not working Common.AllowEmptyFolders parameter in download mode. It allow creation of empty folders on user computer.
- Issue not working Upload.BrowseDialog.DetailsViewByDefault parameter.
- JavScript setParam method does not apply new value for Upload.BrowseDialog.DefaultPath parameter.
- Issue with unnecesary urlencoding of ftp url.
- Issue with progress information if files were added when upload process was in progress.
- Issue with wrong file names encoding in HTTP upload mode.
- Issue with display Japanesse characters in UI.
Upload.AllowAddFilesWhileUpload - Boolean, Default value is true
Determines whether JavaPowUPload should allow addition of files while upload is in proccess . -
Common.LogArea.ShowServerResponse - Boolean, Default value is false
Determines whether JavaPowUPload should display server response(http upload mode) in log area. -
Download.AutoStart.AskDestOnlyOnce - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether JavaPowUPload should ask user for destination folder (if auto start enabled) only at first time. -
Common.ListArea.Row.File.Description.ClicksToActivate - integer. Default value is 1.
Amount of clicks of the left mouse button to activate description text input box in the files tree. -
Download.ReloadTreeInterval - integer. Default value is -1.
Interval in seconds to automaticazlly reload tree from specified source (xml file or params on page).
Upload.AllowAddFilesWhileUpload - Boolean, Default value is true
Default value of the Upload.HttpUpload.UserAgent parameter changed to #BROWSER#
Browser user agent string will be used by default.
Default value of the Upload.HttpUpload.UserAgent parameter changed to #BROWSER#
ver 2.0.5 (02.12.2010)
- The open feature allows to open files on a user computer in an associated programme.
- Automatic detection of user language and loading of corresponding translation file. The distribution package contains 30+ translation files.
- Control of JavaPowUpload using server response and a special xml structure.
Common.Language.AutoDetect - Boolean. Default value is false.
If the parameter is set to true, JavaPowUpload will try to detect a user language. -
Upload.FileFilter.SingleFileRenew - Boolean. Default value is true.
If the value of the Upload.FileFilter.MaxFileCount parameter set to 1 and the value of the Upload.FileFilter.SingleFileRenew set to true, then JavaPowUpload will replace previously selected file with new one. - Common.FilesCheckedByDefault - Boolean. Default value is true.
Common.ListArea.BackgroundImageUrl - URL. Default value:
Url to a background image file for the ListArea. -
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.BackgroundImageUrl - URL. Default value:
Url to background image file for the Thumbnails view . -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.BackgroundImageUrl - URL. Default value:
Url to background image file for the details view. -
Common.PopupMenu.Open - String. Default value is "Open":
Text for a popup menu item. -
Common.PopupMenu.Open.Visible - Boolean. Default value is true.
The parameter enables or disables the open functionality.
Common.Language.AutoDetect - Boolean. Default value is false.
- Issue with selection color in file tree under Mac OS.
- Issue with not expanded tree (when file added) under MAC OS.
- Issue with getting browser cookies when user have JRE6 update 22 installed. Changed method of getting browser cookies.
- Issue with creating directoies (if not exist on server) in FTP upload mode. Directories specified in UploadUrl (as part of ftp url) parameter were not created by JavaPowUpload (if not exist on server).
- Issue with wrong progess information in download mode when file download was resumed.
- Issue with loading international file under safari browser.
- Issue with default save path in the download mode. Last selected path was not restored during the applet reload.
- Issue with checkboxes in upload tree. On double click they did not change the checked state of the ListItem object while the checkbox state rendered correctly.
- When JavaPowUpload runs for the first time on a user's computer, it may not apply browser proxy settings.
- Issue in the directoryUpload.php script under linux os.
- Issue with empty folders upload in chunked upload mode.
- File processing script for chunked upload mode was not able to restore the directory structure.
- Issue in the ftp download mode: files without extension were not downloaded.
- Issue in chunked upload mode: file custom post fields was not added.
- Value of the Upload.HttpUpload.ConnectionTimeOut parameter were also applied in download mode.
- Parameters:
- Upload.HttpUpload.AcceptSelfSignedCertificates - the default value was changed from false to true.
- Upload.HttpUpload.SendTestRequest - the default value was changed from true to false.
- Parameters:
ver 2.0.4 (08.07.2010)
- Issue in download mode: when files were downloaded from FTP server, slashes were not correctly replaced.
- Issue in download mode: when files were downloaded from FTP server, url encoding should not be performed.
- Issue in download mode when the download structure was set up on html page: sometimes files and folders ignored a parent attribute.
- Issue with displaying file names with special characters in the status panel (when #FILENAME# pattern is used in a status text).
Chunked upload: JavaPowUpload does not return correct server response.
Fixed: When chunked upload mode is enabled, JavaPowUpload returns a reponse text between
- Chunked upload: when JavaPowUpload sends the first request to a server, errors in server response were not fixed. Fixed: exception will be displayed.
- Issue in download mode: when the value of Common.DetailsArea.Visible parameter or Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.Visible parameter is set to false and Common.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.PlaceOnTopArea parameter is set to true, the download button is not visible.
- In chunked upload mode query string parameters specified in Upload.UploadUrl were not passed to server. Fixed.
- Issue with % cgaracter inside file name in the download mode.
- Parameters:
- Common.Ftp.UserName - String. Default value: User name for ftp server. It can be used in both upload and download modes.
- Common.Ftp.Password - String. Default value: User password for ftp server. It can be used in both upload and download modes.
- Parameters:
ver 2.0.3 (10.06.2010)
- Resumable upload feature for HTTP upload mode was added.
- HTTP PUT method support was removed.
- Issue with status text layout when a theme is disabled.
- Parameters:
- Upload.BrowseDialog.DefaultPath - String. Default value: Default path for browse dialog in the Upload mode.
- Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.Enabled - Boolean. Default value: false. The parameter determines whether JavaPowUpload should use chuncked mode for file uploads. Please note that this method is not RFC compliant, so you should use a specific script on server side (php and samples are included in the distribution package).
- Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.ChunkSize - Number. Default value: -1. Size of chunk in bytes. If the parameter is set to -1 , JavaPowUpload will automatically increase the chunk size to an optimal value.
- Upload.HttpUpload.ChunkedUpload.MaxChunkSize - String. Default value: 2097152 Maximum chunk size. If the chunkedUpload.chunkSize parameter is set to -1, the value of this parameter is used to limit the maximum size of a chunk. It should be less than a request or a file size limitation on the server side .
- Parameters:
- Parameters:
- Upload.HttpUpload.UsePutMethod parameter is no longer supported by JavaPowUpload. The main advantage of this upload method is the resumable upload, now it is replaced by more powerful functionality.
- Parameters:
- Parameters:
- Upload.HttpUpload.ConnectionTimeOut - the default value was changed from 1000 to 3000.
- Parameters:
ver 2.0.2 (04.06.2010)
- Issue with the Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Visible parameter. If the parameter was set to false, the exceptions occured in the download mode.
- Files were not downloaded when the '@' symbol was in a file url as a part of credentials in the download mode.
- If a user added some files to the upload list when the upload process has already been started, JavaPowUpload sent the 'second part' of the files one by one. Fixed: JavaPowUpload will send the second part of the files according to a max files count per a request or the max size of a request.
- Warning message about mixed signed and unsigned code displayed in some cases by JRE was removed starting from version 6 update 19.
- Unnecessary requests to a web server were removed, when JRE tried to load localized resources.
- onPrepareRequest(files) was fired in HTTP upload mode when a request is prepared, just before the upload starts. "(files)" is an array of the UploadItem objects which will be posted in a request.
- Parameters:
- Common.ListArea.Row.File.CheckBox.Visible - Boolean. Default value: false. It determines whether to display the checkbox in the uploadtree.
- Common.AllowEmptyFolders - Boolean. Default value: false. If the parameter is set to true, JavaPowUPload will allow the empty folder uploads. In the http upload mode, information about empty folders is posted in form fields with the name pattern configured by the Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.EmptyFolde parameter. In ftp upload mode, folders will be created automatically.
- Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.EmptyFolder - String. Default value: EmptyFolder_#COUNTER# For field name pattern for empty folders. #COUNTER# is a counter of empty folders started from 0.
- onServerResponse(status, response, files)
New parameter: files - Array of UploadItem objects which were posted in a request.
- onServerResponse(status, response, files)
ver 2.0.1 (20.04.2010)
- Issue with decoding encoded characters in download mode when a file list is set using the applet params.
- Issue with exception in download mode when last file is downloaded.
- Issue resuming download process under MAC OS. MAC OS implementation of JRE ignore read timeout settings.
- Methods:
- getPostField(String name) parameter returns a value of the post field.
- UploadItem object:
- Methods:
- addPostField(String name, String value) parameter adds form field value to the UploadItem.
- getPostField(String name) parameter gets a value of the form field.
- removePostField(String name) parameter removes a form field with the specified name.
- clearPostFields() parameter clears all post fields in the UploadItem.
- Methods:
- Parameters:
- Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.FileCustomPostField String. Default value: #FIELDNAME#_#COUNTER#. The pattern for a name of the post fields specified for individual files (UploadItem object).
- Methods:
ver 2.0.0 (09.04.2010)
- Serial number validation algorithm was changed due to changes in license policy. Now JavaPowUpload copy licensed to one domain can not be used on another domain. Warning message will be displayed each time when upload/download process started.
- Issue with the MaxFilesSizePerRequest parameter. If a file cannot be added to a request due to the size limitation and it is the last file in the list, it may not be uploaded.
- Issue in the http upload mode with "Exception: Value may not be null" when the "Upload.HttpUpload.SendFileMD5" parameter is set to "true".
ver 1.2.1 (18.03.2010) - recommended update
Upload/download process is resumed on connection abort. If the connection is aborted for some reason, JavaPowUpload will be waiting for the specified time for connection restore
checking connection after a specified interval. When the connection is restored, JavaPowUpload will start upload/download process.
In download mode the last file download will be resumed if it is possible.
In the HTTP upload mode, JavaPowUPload will send full request from start. By default, JavaPowUpload sends all files in one request, so all files will be uploaded again.
You can set the value of the Upload.HttpUpload.MaxFilesCountPerRequest parameter to 1 to upload files one by one. In this case JavaPowUpload will start the upload process from the last file. - Ability to add watermark to thumbnails.
- The button to show/hide detailed area is added.
- Upload/Download button is moved to the top panel.
Upload/download process is resumed on connection abort. If the connection is aborted for some reason, JavaPowUpload will be waiting for the specified time for connection restore
checking connection after a specified interval. When the connection is restored, JavaPowUpload will start upload/download process.
- Issue with folder creation on some ftp servers.
- Increased quality of JPEG image thumbnails.
- Increased speed of thumbnails generation in the preview mode (DetailsArea) if the source image contains stored thumbnail in EXIF metadata.
- Issue with color corruption (green, purple) after resizing of some images when the Upload.Thumbnails.IncludeOriginalImageMetadata parameter is set to true.
- Issues under MAC OS in the localization.html example.
- JavaScript events bug is fixed in MAC OS. When the method, which produces JS events, was called from the event handler, exception occured in some browsers under MAC OS.
- Optimized http upload module.
- Http upload speed for fast connections is increased.
- Issue with wrong character encoding for http server reponse in the LogArea.
- Issue with default dividers' position in some browsers (specially in IE). When the applet is loaded, the dividers should have a position according to the Common.LogArea.StartupDeviderLocation and Common.LogArea.StartupDeviderLocation parameters. Sometimes the vertical devider inited on the left side and horizontal - on the top of the applet.
Issue with the listArea:
If the applet is configured with following parameters:
<param name="Common.ListArea.Visible" value="true">
the ListArea is not displayed.
<param name="Common.DetailsArea.Visible" value="false">
- Issue with http upload in the FreeMode.
- When the Common.ProgressArea.Visible parameter is set to false, files cannot be added to the list.
- Issue with broken onError event handler.
- Methods:
- toggleDetailsPanel - show/hide DetailsArea
- ProgressInfo object:
- Methods:
- getHourElapsed - returns count of hours elapsed.
- getMinElapsed - returns count of minutes elapsed.
- getSecElapsed - returns count of seconds elapsed.
- Methods:
- Parameters:
- Common.WindowMode.Width - integer. Default value: 300 Window width.
- Common.WindowMode.Height - integer. Default value: 300 Window height.
- Common.WindowMode.Caption - String. Defaut value: JavaPowUpload Window caption.
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Enabled - boolean. Default value:false. It
deterimes whether JavaPowUpload should add watermark to thumbnails. The
watermark is added only to the uploaded thumbnail and not visible in the DetailsArea preview. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.ImageUrl - Url. Default value:
Url to the image which should be used as a watermark. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Position - String. Default value: Bottom.Right
Watermark position.
Available values: Top.Left, Top.Center, Top.Right, Center.Left, Center.Center, Center.Right, Bottom.Left, Bottom.Center, Bottom.Right. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Alpha - float. Default value:0.6
Watermark transparency. 0.0 - fully transparent, 1.0 - fully opaque. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.Text - String. Default value:
Watermark text. It is used only if the Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.ImageUrl parameter is not set, or cannot be loaded. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.TextColor - Color. Default value: #FF0000
Watermark text color. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.FontName - String. Default value: Arial
Watermark text font. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.FontStyle - Integer. Default value: 1
Watermark text style.
Font style: 0–plain, 1-bold, 2-itallic -
Upload.Thumbnails.Watermark.FontSize - Integer. Default value: 18
Watermark text size. - Common.ProgressArea.TotalProgress.AlwaysVisible - boolean. Default value: true. If the parameter is set to true, the progress bar is always visible, otherwise the progress bar is displayed only diring the upload/download process.
- Common.ProgressArea.TotalProgress.PlaceOnTopArea - boolean. Default value: false. It determines where to place the progress bar. If the parameter is set to true, the progress bar will be placed on the TopAtrea.
- Common.ProgressArea.TotalProgress.Width- integer. Default value: 1000. Progress bar width.
- Common.ProgressArea.TotalProgress.Height- integer. Default value: 15. Progress bar height.
- Common.ListArea.Row.File.Icon.Complete - URL. Default value: /icons/file_complete.png
Url to an icon for the file progress state. - Common.ListArea.Row.File.Icon.Error - URL. Default value: /icons/file_error.png
Url to an icon for the file progress state. - Common.ListArea.Row.File.Icon.Progress - URL. Default value: /icons/file_progress.png
Url to an icon for the file progress state. - Common.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.PlaceOnTopArea - boolean. Default value: true
Determine where download/upload/cancel button should be placed: on the TopArea or on the ProgressArea. - Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.Width - integer. Default value: -1
Button width. - Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.Height - integer. Default value:-1
Button height. - Common.TopArea.BrowseButton.Width - integer. Default value:85
Button width. - Common.TopArea.BrowseButton.Height - integer. Default value:25
Button height. - Upload.TopArea.RemoveButton.Width - integer. Default value:85
Button width. - Upload.TopArea.RemoveButton.Height - integer. Default value:25
Button height. - Upload.TopArea.ClearButton.Width - integer. Default value:85
Button width. - Upload.TopArea.ClearButton.Height - integer. Default value:25
Button height. - Common.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.Width - integer. Default value:85
Button width. - Common.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.Height - integer. Default value:25
Button height. - Common.RetryWhenConnectionLost - boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should wait for the connection restore when it is lost. - Common.RetryWhenConnectionLost.CheckInterval - integer. Default value:1.
It determines how often the connection attempts should be peformed when the connection is lost. Interval in seconds. - Common.RetryWhenConnectionLost.CheckTimeout - integer. Default value:600.
It determines how long JavaPowUpload should wait for the connection restore. Within the specified period (in seconds) JavaPowUpload will perform connection attempts. - Common.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.CheckConnection - String. Default value:
Connection attempt: #ATTEMPTNUMBER# (#TIMETOCHECKLEFT# sec left). Connection with server was lost. Waiting for restore.
#ATTEMPTNUMBER# - count of attemps.
#TIMETOCHECKELAPSED# - time elapsed from the beginning of check.
#TIMETOCHECKLEFT# - time left until Common.RetryWhenConnectionLost.CheckTimeout will be reached. - Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.Visible - boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether the button is visible. - Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.Icon - URL. Default value: /icons/view_thumb.png
Url to an icon for the "display details panel" button. - Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.Label - String. Default value: "display details panel" button text.
- Common.TopArea.DisplayDetailsButton.ToolTip - String. Default value: Show/Hide details panel "display details panel" button tooltip.
- Upload.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.Complete - String. Default value: #COMPLETEFILESCOUNT# files uploaded. Time elapsed: #ELAPSEHOUR#:#ELAPSEMIN#:#ELAPSESEC#
Status message displayed when the upload process is complete. - Download.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.Complete - String. Default value: #COMPLETEFILESCOUNT# files downloaded. Time elapsed: #ELAPSEHOUR#:#ELAPSEMIN#:#ELAPSESEC#
Status message displayed when the download process is complete. - Upload.FileSystemTree.ToolTip - String. Default value: Local file system tree. It allows to select files for upload.
- Upload.ListArea.ToolTip - String. Default value: Upload tree. It allows to view and manage files selected for upload.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.ToolTip - String. Default value: Thumbnails view/edit.
- Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ToolTip - String. Default value: Detailed view.
- Upload.TopArea.ClearButton.ToolTip - String. Default value: Remove all files from the upload list.
- Upload.TopArea.RemoveButton.ToolTip - String. Default value: Remove selected file from the upload list
- Download.TopArea.BrowseButton.ToolTip - String. Default value: Choose destination folder.
- Upload.TopArea.BrowseButton.ToolTip - String. Default value: Add files/folders for upload.
- Upload.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.ToolTip - String. Default value: Click to start the upload.
- Download.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.ToolTip - String. Default value: Click to start the download.
- New patterns for status string:
- #ELAPSEHOUR# - count of hours elapsed.
- #ELAPSEMIN# - count of minutes elapsed.
- #ELAPSESEC# - count of seconds elapsed.
- #RATEVALUE# pattern automatically formats to bytes,Kb,Mb,Gb and appends appropriate constant.
- Methods:
- Default widths for details table was set.
- Total progress bar height was decreased.
- Icons for progress, complete and error file state in the upload/download tree were added.
- Common.ListArea.Row.Progress.Visible - default value was changed to false.
Common.ListArea.Row.File.Label - default value was changed to
#FILENAME# [(#FILEPROGRESS# %)] - Common.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.FileComplete parameter was depricated
- Common.ListArea.Row.Progress.Visible - default value was changed to false.
Download.TopArea.BrowseLabel.Label default value was changed to
"Save to folder". -
Upload.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.NoUploadsInProgress - default value was changed to
Upload.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.Uploading - default value was changed to
Download.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.Downloading - default value was changed to
Total: #TOTALPERCENT#% (#FILESNUM#). Current: #CURFILEPERCENT#% (#RATEVALUE#/sec, time left: #LEFTHOUR#:#LEFTMIN#:#LEFTSEC#). - Common.DetailsArea.StartupDeviderLocation - default value was changed to 1.0 from 0.5.
- Common.LogArea.Visible - default value was changed to false.
- Upload.HttpUpload.AddFormValuesToPostFields - default value was changed to true.
- Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ColumnsOrder - default value was changed to "Check|Thumbnail|Name|Size|Date".
ver 1.2.0 (05.02.2010) - JavaPowUpload 1.2.0 version released
- FTP library was changed to library.
- FTPS (FTP over SSL) support was added.
- File System tree view was added. A user can add files for upload by checking them in the list or the table with this tree.
- Issue with getting form fields under the FireFox browser in MAC OS.
- Issue with the wrong ThumnailsCrop region sent to server.
- Issue with the query string params when the download list is set using the Download.DataUrl parameter.
- Issue with encoding when the resumable upload mode is used (the http put method is enabled) under MAC OS.
Algorithm of sending form fields which were grabbed from html page (the form is specified with Upload.HttpUpload.FormName parameter) was improved.
Now radio button and checkbox values are included only if they are checked. -
Display of the Common.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.AddingFile message in the status panel when the files were added.
If the file path is too long, the status panel always changes size. Now the file path cuts from begin to fill the progress label length.
- onFileListLoaded()
Fires when the upload tree is initialized.
- onFileListLoaded()
reloadTree() - reloads the upload tree from the current source (html parameters or xml file).
It works only in download mode.
reloadTree() - reloads the upload tree from the current source (html parameters or xml file).
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.ShowToolTips - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines if the tooltip is shown on cell items in the Thumbnail view. -
Common.ListArea.Row.Progress.AlwaysVisible- Boolean. Default value: false.
If the parameter is set to true, the progress bar is always visible.
If the parameter is set to false, the progress bar is displayed visible only when the upload/download process is started. -
Common.FreeMode - Boolean. Default value: false.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should run in free mode.
In Free mode, there is a lot of limitations:
- JavaScript interface (liveConnect) is disabled.
- Thumbnails generation and thumbnail view are disabled.
- File filter (files count , size limitations) cannot be changed. -
Common.ListArea.TabIcon - Url. Default value: /icons/upload_download_tree.png
Url to an icon for the uload/download tree tab. -
Upload.FileSystemTree.TabIcon - Url. Default value: /icons/system_tree.png
Url to an icon for the file system tree tab. -
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.TabIcon - Url. Default value: /icons/view_thumb.png
Url to an icon for the thumnails view tab. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.TabIcon - Url. Default value: /icons/view_detail.png
Url to an icon for the details view tab. -
Upload.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.Icon - Url. Default value: /icons/upload.png
Url to an icon for the upload button. -
Download.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.Icon - Url. Default value: /icons/download.png
Url to an icon for the download button. -
Upload.TopArea.BrowseButton.Icon - Url. Default value: /icons/add.png
Url to an icon for the browse button. -
Download.TopArea.BrowseButton.Icon - Url. Default value: /icons/browse.png
Url to an icon for the browse button. -
Upload.TopArea.RemoveButton.Icon - Url. Default value: /icons/remove.png
Url to an icon for the remove button. -
Upload.TopArea.ClearButton.Icon - Url. Default value: /icons/clear.png
Url to an icon for the clear button. -
Common.ProgressArea.DownloadButton.StopIcon - Url. Default value: /icons/cancel.png
Url to an icon for the cancel upload/download button. -
Common.FinishUrl.Target - String. Default value: "_self"
Target to redirect Common.FinishUrl. The same as "target" parameter in html tag. -
Common.PopupMenu.Rename.Visible - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether the renaming of the context menu item is enabled. -
Common.PopupMenu.Rename - String. Default value: Rename.
Name of a context menu item. -
Common.RenameDialog.Message - String. Default value: Specify new name for file #FILENAME#
Renaming of dialog message string. -
Common.RenameDialog.Caption - String. Default value: Rename file #FILENAME#
Renaming of dialog caption string. -
Common.RenameDialog.NameLabel - String. Default value: New name
Renaming of dialog new name label string. -
Common.RenameDialog.Ok - String. Default value: Ok
Renaming of dialog "ok" button label string. -
Common.RenameDialog.Cancel - String. Default value: Cancel
Renaming of dialog "cancel" button label string. -
Common.PopupMenu.AddFolder - String. Default value: "Add folder to upload".
Name of the context menu item. This item is displayed only when the context menu is called in the "File system tree view". -
Download.DefaultSavePath - String. Default value:
Path on a user computer where files should be saved by default.
If the parameter is empty, the last selected path is used as default. -
Upload.FileSystemTree.Visible - Boolean. Default value: false.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should display the file system tree. -
Upload.FileSystemTree.TabName - String. Default value: File system.
Name of tab with file system tree. -
Common.ListArea.TabName - String. Default value: Upload tree
Name of tab with upload tree. The tab is displayed only if the Upload.FileSystemTree.Visible parameter is set to true. -
Upload.FileSystemTree.ActiveByDefault - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether the File system tree should be active by default. -
Upload.FileSystemTree.RootName - String. Default value: My Computer.
Name of root node in the file system tree. -
Common.PopupMenu.CheckAll - String. Default value: Check All.
Name of context menu item. This item is displayed only when the context menu is called in the "Thumbnail view" and in the "Detailed view". -
Common.PopupMenu.UncheckAll - String. Default value: Uncheck all.
Name of context menu item. This item is displayed only when the context menu is called in the "Thumbnail view" and in the "Detailed view". -
ErrorMessage.FtpLibraryNotInstalled - String. Default value: You can't use ftp upload/download functionality because the library is not installed on server. Please contact your server administrator.
The error message is displayed when JavaPowUpload cannot load the library. -
List of ASCII file types (extension). ASCII tranfer mode will be used for these files. -
Common.Ftp.ImplictSSL - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should use implicit or explicit FTPS mode. -
Common.Ftp.UTF8Encoding - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should use UTF8 encoding for ftp connections.
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.ShowToolTips - Boolean. Default value: true.
- Default value of the Upload.FileFilter.MaxFileCount parameter is set to 2000.
- Default value of the Common.DetailsArea.StartupDeviderLocation parameter is set to 0.5.
- Default value of the Common.ListArea.Row.File.Description.Visible parameter is set to false.
- Default value of the Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.Caption parameter is set to empty value.
- Default value of the Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.FilePathLabel parameter is changed to #FILEPATH#.
- Default value of the Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.BackLink is changed to <<Back
- Borders of all tabbed panels are removed.
- Optimized selection model: on right-click, the element under the cursor is selected if it has not been in the selection already.
- Default theme pack is changed.
ver 1.1.1 (17.08.2009)
- Saving credentials on a user computer in the http,ftp upload mode and in the ftp download mode.
- Standard JAVA authenticator is used for the http download mode.
- Navigation through the folders inside the details panel.
- Detailed view panel (display file list in table) is added.
- Ability to edit an image (rotate or crop) in the file details panel, when a single file is selected.
Issue in the download mode. When the applet runs under MAC OS, download urls of some files is truncated.
Bug report from Steve Bussetti :
The downloader is truncating my URLs and requesting the wrong file.
It appears to have something to do with the sum of the length of the urls in the batch.
For instance if I make my urls shorter the issue occurs later in the list of files, but if I make the path to my files longer, the issue occurs sooner and more frequently.
It seems to fail every 10th file or so and is reproducible every time. -
Issue with file filter under MAC OS Safari browser.
Bug report from Joseph Devis : When we click the “AddFile” html button we call the “clickBrowse()” method on the applet, and select a file, then choose “OK”.
In Safari, it throws an exception. - Progress bar reset when all files are removed from the list.
- Issue with the getLength() method of the UploadItem and DownloadItem classes when JavaPowUpload runs under the Safari browser.
- Issue with wrong Url in the download mode.
- Issue with wrong prgress information when a user uploads files, clears the list and then tries to upload the files again.
- Some code optimizations.
Issue in the download mode. When the applet runs under MAC OS, download urls of some files is truncated.
- FILE_STATUS_SKIPPED - the status is set to UploadItem or DownloadItem when a user selects "Skip" in the overwrite dialog.
- Upload.FileListFromXMLDialog.Message=JavaPowUpload automatically adds #FILESCOUNT# files for upload. Do you allow this operation?
- Upload.FileListFromXMLDialog.Yes=Yes
- Upload.FileListFromXMLDialog.No=No
Common.PopupMenu.Disable - Boolean. Default value: false.
It enables/disables the popup menu (on right-click). -
Common.PopupMenu.DisableInListArea - Boolean. Default value: false.
It determines wheher JavaPowUpload should display the popup menu in the file tree or not. -
Common.PopupMenu.DisableInThumbnailsView - Boolean. Default value: false.
It determines wheher JavaPowUpload should display the popup menu in the thumbnails view panel. -
Common.PopupMenu.DisableInDetailView - Boolean. Default value: false.
It determines wheher JavaPowUpload should display the popup menu in the detailed view (table) panel. -
Common.HiddenModeBackgroundImageUrl - URL. Default value: empty.
Url to the image file that should be displayed as background when the applet runs in hidden mode. The image is centered on the applet content panel. -
Upload.BrowseDialog.DetailsViewByDefault - Boolean. Default value: false.
It set details or list view by default in the browse dialog. -
Upload.BrowseDialog.ImagePreview.Visible - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should display the image preview in the browse dialog. -
Upload.BrowseDialog.ImagePreview.Width - integer. Default value: 150.
Width of the image preview panel. -
Upload.BrowseDialog.ImagePreview.Height - integer. Default value: 150.
Height of the image preview panel. -
Common.ListArea.DefaultExpandLevel - Integer. Default value: -1.
Default expand level for the files tree. -
Common.DetailsArea.ShowRootFolder - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should display the root folder ([..] element) in the thumbnails and detailed views. -
Common.DetailsArea.ShowFolders - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should display folders in the thumbnails and detailed views. -
Common.DetailsArea.DefaultActiveTab - String. Default value: Thumbnails.
It determines which tab is active by default. Valid values: thumbnails, detail. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Visible - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should display the detailed view. -
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.TabName - String. Default value: Thumbnails.
Name of the tab with thumbnails list. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.TabName - String. Default value: Details.
Name of the tab with file details. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Row.HeightWithThumbnail - Integer. Defaule value: 50
Height of a table row when the thumbnails column is displayed. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Row.HeightWithOutThumbnail - Integer. Defaule value: 20
Height of a table row without the thumbnails column. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Name - String. Default value: Name.
Header for the column containing file/folder name. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Size - String. Default value: Size.
Header for the column containing file/folder size. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Date - String. Default value: Date.
Header for the column containing file date. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Path - String. Default value: Path.
Header for the column containing full file path name. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Check - String. Default value: Check
Header for the column containing file/folder checkbox. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Thumbnail - String. Default value: Thumbnail
Header for the column containing file thumbnail. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.Columns.Status - String. Default value: Status
Header for the column containing file upload/download status. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ColumnsOrder - String. Default value: Check|Thumbnail|Name|Size|Date|Path|Status
The string contains column's order. The delimiter is "|" symbol.
Available values: Check Thumbnail Name Size Date Path Status -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ShowDetailsOnDoubleClick - Boolean. Default value: true.
It deterimes whether JavaPowUpload should show the file details panel on double click. -
Common.DetailsArea.DetailView.ShowToolTips - Boolean. Default value: true
It deterimes whether JavaPowUpload should display the tool tips for the table rows. -
Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.BackLink - String. Default value: Back
Text for a "back" link. The link navigates a user to the previous location (thumbnails or details view). -
Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.FolderNameLabel - String. Default value: Folder name: #FOLDERNAME#.
Folder name pattern for the detailed view tool tips. -
Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.FolderSizeLabel - String. Default value: Folder size: #FOLDERSIZE#.
Folder size pattern for the detailed view tool tips. -
Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.FolderFilesCount - String. Default value: Files count: #FILESCOUNT#.
Files count pattern for the detailed view tool tips.
- UploadItem.getRemoteFileName() string - returns the file name which will be used to save the file on the remote FTP server.
void UploadItem.setRemoteFileName(String rName) - sets the file name which will be used to save the file on the remote FTP server.
rName string - the file name to save on the remote FTP server. Use "null" (without quotes) to reset the remote file name and use the original one. - DownloadItem.getStatus() integer.
UploadItem.getStatus() integer - returns the current file status:
Available values:
0 - Ready for processing. The file was not uploaded/downloaded.
1 - The file is currently uploaded/downloaded.
2 - Upload/download was completed sucessfully.
3 - Upload/download was stopped.
4 - Error occured.
- onError(message) event.
ver 1.1 (23.04.2009)
- Commons-logging library was updated to 1.1.1 version.
- Ability to send the Referer http header in the http download/upload mode was added.
- Ability to resize and crop the image thumbnails.
- Description of the text field for files. In the upload mode, a user can set (by 3 time clicking on file in the tree) some description for the files that will be posted to a server. In the download mode, the description is loaded from the xml structure (description attribute of the file tag).
- setParam() function for the Upload.FileFilter.Types parameter.
- Error creating directories on some FTP servers in the upload mode.
- Error during getting form fields in different browsers.
- Details area is not cleared when JavaScript clearTree() method is called.
- Issue with proxy authentication. When the browser proxy settings is used, JavaPowUpLoad can't get (and ask for) credenetials.
- Issue with sending form fields. JavaPowUpload skips all the form fields after the form field with empty value. Bug description (by Gregory Teuscher): There are 5 form fields. The first 2 values are passed through to the page, but the 3rd (which is a blank value), 4th, and 5th (which are not blank values) do not.
- Exception in isOperonWin function, when the applet is launched under Windows Vista x64.
- Bug with JavaScript interface and FireFox under MAC OS.
- Empty (with empty value) form fields (from html page) were not added to the request.
- Issue when JavaPowUpload was unable to download the files more 2 GB in size with HTTP protocol.
- setLogAreaText(String text) - sets a text in the LoagArea.
- UploadItem.setDescription() - sets the file description
- DownloadItem.getDescription()
Upload.AutoStartOnFilesAdd - Boolean. Default value: false.
It deterimes whether JavaPowUpload should start the upload process automatically when a user adds files. -
Upload.DragAndDrop.Enabled - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should use the drag and drop feature in the upload mode for adding files. -
Upload.FileFilter.MultipleSelection - Boolean. Default value: true.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should allow the multiple file selection in the browse dialog.
Note: if the Upload.FileFilter.MaxFileCount parameter is set to 1, JavaPowUpload automatically disables the multiple selection in the browse dialog. -
Upload.HttpUpload.AcceptSelfSignedCertificates - Boolean. Default value: false.
It deterimines wheter JavaPowUpload should accept the self signed (not verified) ssl certificate. -
Common.DetailsArea.ShowFileDetailsOnSingleFileSelection- Boolean. Default value: false.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should show the file details when one file is selected in the tree (the parameter is set to true) or show the list with one cell (the parameter is set to false). - Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.FileDescriptionLabel - String. Default value: File description: #FILESDESCRIPTION#.
Common.ListArea.Row.File.Description.Visible - Boolean. Default value: true.
It deterimes whether JavaPowUpload should show the file description text field in the file tree. -
Common.ListArea.Row.File.Description.DefaultText - String. Default value: Put file description here.
Default string for the file description text field. Note: the default string is not posted to a server. - Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.FileDescription - String. Default value: FileDescription_#COUNTER#.
- Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailRotateAngle - String. Default value: ThumbnailRotateAngle_#COUNTER#.
- Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailCropX - String. Default value: ThumbnailCropX_#COUNTER#.
- Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailCropY - String. Default value: ThumbnailCropY_#COUNTER#.
- Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailCropWidth - String. Default value: ThumbnailCropWidth_#COUNTER#.
- Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailCropHeight - String. Default value: ThumbnailCropHeight_#COUNTER#.
Upload.Thumbnails.GenerateOnAdd - Boolean. Default value: false.
If the parameter is set to true, JavaPowUpload will generate image thumbnails for upload when the images are added, otherwise the thumbnails are generated when the upload process is initiated. -
Upload.Thumbnails.IncludeOriginalImageMetadata - Boolean. Default value: false.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should write metadata from original image into created thumbnail. - Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.ShowEditPanel - Boolean. Default value: true.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.RotateLeftIcon.Url - URL. Default value: empty.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.RotateRightIcon.Url - URL. Default value: empty.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.CropIcon.Url - URL. Default value: empty.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.ResetCropIcon.Url - URL. Default value: empty.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.CropRect.Color - Color. Default value: #000000.
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.CropRect.KeepAspectRatio - String. Default value: NO.
It determines whether aspect ratio of crop rectangle should be kept.
Available values:
"NO" - aspect ratio is not controlled
"ORIGINAL" - keeps ascpect ratrio of original image.
"UPLOAD" - keeps aspect ration of upload thumbnail. (Upload.Thumbnails.Height / Upload.Thumbnails.Width) - Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.CropIcon.Color - Color. Default value:#000000.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.ResetCropIcon.Color - Color. Default value:#FF0000.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.RotateLeftIcon.Color - Color. Default value:#000000.
- Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.RotateRightIcon.Color - Color. Default value:#000000.
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.RotateLeftIcon.ToolTipText - String. Default value: Rotate left.
Tooltip text for the rotate left icon. -
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.RotateRightIcon.ToolTipText - String. Default value: Rotate right.
Tooltip text for the rotate right icon. -
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.CropIcon.ToolTipText - String. Default value: Crop image.
Tooltip text for the crop icon. -
Common.DetailsArea.Thumbnails.Cell.ResetCropIcon.ToolTipText - String. Default value: Undo crop operation
Tooltip text for the undo crop icon. -
Upload.FileFilter.IncludeSubDirectories - Bollean. Default value: true.
It adds subdirectories to the file tree. -
Upload.FileFilter.SelectionMode - String. Default value: FILES_AND_DIRS.
Possible values:
"FILES" - user is able to select only files in the browse dialog.
"DIRS" - user is able select only directories in the browse dialog
"FILES_AND_DIRS" - user is able to select files and folders. -
Common.ResultUrl - URL. Default value: null.
Url to the script on the http server to which upload/download results will be posted on completion. -
Common.ResultUrl.FieldName.DestinationFolder String. Default value: DestinationFolder.
Name of the destination folder form field. It is posted only on the download mode. -
Common.ResultUrl.FieldName.FilePath - String. Default value: FilePath_#COUNTER#.
Name of a file path for the field. In the download mode, the value is a file download url, in the upload mode - a full file path. -
Common.ResultUrl.FieldName.FileStatus - String. Default value: FileStatus_#COUNTER#.
Name of the file status form field.
Available values:
0 - Ready for processing. The file was not uploaded/downloaded.
2 - Upload/download was completed sucessfully.
3 - Upload/download was stopped.
4 - Error occured. -
Upload.HttpUpload.TestRequestMethod - String. Default value: Head.
It determines which http method is used to perform the test request to a server.
Valid values: Head, Post. -
Upload.HttpUpload.UserAgent - String. Default value: JavaPowUpload
HTTP User-Agent header value. - Upload.HttpUpload.Auth.UserName=
- Upload.HttpUpload.Auth.Password=
- Upload.HttpUpload.Auth.Domain=
To add the files without extention use "without_extension" string as an extension in
the Upload.FileFilter.Types parameter.
Example: jpg,without_extension
Upload.AutoStartOnFilesAdd - Boolean. Default value: false.
ver 1.0 (06.11.2008)
- Image thumbnail upload feature is added.
- JOptionPane UI is not initialized properly when the first call of showError function was from JavaScript.
- Issues with Linux OS. Exception in the function that checks the browser version.
- Several issues with permissions.
- In the download mode, slow loading of file list because of trying to generate thumbnails of remote files.
- Upload FTP mode. If JavaPowUpload can't create the remote directory, the file was uploaded to a parent folder. Fixed: the error messages will be displayed.
- Upload FTP mode. The file, which caused an error, was marked as successfully uploaded in some cases.
- In the upload FTP mode, the upload process was very slow, because the connection (including login process) to a server was created for each file.
- Some files were not uploaded if both of Upload.HttpUpload.MaxFilesCountPerRequest and Upload.HttpUpload.MaxFilesSizePerRequest parameters are set to a non-default value.
- Wrong unique ID generation algorithm. If 2 instances are started at the same time, they may have equal ids. It is replaced by internal java function java.util.UUID.randomUUID().
- If clickDownload method is called twice, the download/upload process is stopped. Same for the clickStop method.
- When the files are added to the tree using JavaScript clickBrowse() method, skin look and feel was ignored for the tree nodes. It is solved by using the AccessController class.
- Download mode. When the file length specified in the Download.DataURL file is not equal to the file length on a server, the progress bar has a wrong value.
- getItem(int index)
- getItem(String path)
- Common.InternationalFile
- Common.ListArea.Row.Progress.Visible - It determines whether the progress bar in tree is shown on each file.
Download.OpenFolderOnCompletion - Boolean. Default value: false.
It opens the folder with downloaded files when the download is completed.
Windows explorer is used on windows OS and finder on MAC OS. -
Common.DateTimeFormat - String. Default value: "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss".
Date Time format pattern. Used at Common.ListArea.Row.File.Label and -
Common.DetailsArea.FileDetails.FileLastModifiedLabel parameters
Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples
G Era designator Text AD
y Year Year 1996; 96
M Month in year Month July; Jul; 07
w Week in year Number 27
W Week in month Number 2
D Day in year Number 189
d Day in month Number 10
F Day of week in month Number 2
E Day in week Text Tuesday; Tue
a Am/pm marker Text PM
H Hour in day (0-23) Number 0
k Hour in day (1-24) Number 24
K Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number 0
h Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number 12
m Minute in hour Number 30
s Second in minute Number 55
S Millisecond Number 978
z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00
Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800 -
New variables to Common.ListArea.Row.File.Label parameter
Upload.Thumbnails.Height - long default value: 500
Thumbnail image height. It propotionally changes to source image dimensions. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Width - long default value: 500
Thumbnail image width. It propotionally changes to source image dimensions. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Upload - boolean default value false
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should upload thumbnails to a server. -
Upload.Thumbnails.Format - string. Default value: JPG.
Image format of thumbnail.
Possible values is:
jpeg, JPEG, jpg, JPG, png, PNG, bmp, BMP -
Upload.Thumbnails.FilePrefix - string. Default value is "thumbnail_".
This prfix will be added to the source image file name. -
Upload.Thumbnails.UploadOriginalFile - boolean. Default value is false.
It determines whether JavaPowUpload should upload the original image file to a server. -
Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailFilePath - string. Default value is ThumbnailPath_#COUNTER#.
It is used when HTTP upload with POST method mode is used. The pattern for the file path (path in JavaPowUpload tree) field name. -
Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailRealFilePath - string. Default value is ThumbnailRealFilePath_#COUNTER#.
It is used when HTTP upload with POST method mode is used. The pattern for real file (path on user machine) path field name. -
Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailFileSize - string. Default value is ThumbnailFileSize_#COUNTER#.
It is used when HTTP upload with POST method mode is used. The pattern for file size field name. -
Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailFileMD5 - string. Default value is ThumbnailFileMD5_#COUNTER#.
It is used when HTTP upload with POST method mode is used. The pattern for file MD5 field name. -
Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailFileIndex - string. Default value is ThumbnailFileIndex_#COUNTER#.
It is used when HTTP upload with POST method mode is used. The pattern for file index field name. -
Upload.HttpUpload.FieldName.ThumbnailBody - string. Default value is ThumbnailBody_#COUNTER#.
It is used when HTTP upload with POST method mode is used. The pattern for file body field name. -
Common.ProgressArea.StatusMessage.GenerateThumbnail - string. Default value: Adding file: #FILENAME# - generate thumbnail.
It is displayed on the ControlPanel when a user adds files and thumbnail of image is generated. -
Common.DetailsArea.StartupDeviderLocation - a double-precision floating point value that specifies a percentage, from zero (top/left) to 1.0
(bottom/right) Default value for both parameters is 1.0.
So, by default, the LogArea and DetailsArea are hidden.