version 3.4.9
- Added support of Amazon v4 signature protocol.
Ability to set remote file name for direct Amazon s3 uploads.
Added setRemoteFileName function.
Sample code:
//This event handler called when user adds files for upload function MultiPowUpload_onAddFiles(addedFiles) { //add post field to all files for(var i =0; i < addedFiles.length; i++) MultiPowUpload.setRemoteFileName(addedFiles[i].id, "new_"+addedFiles[i].name); }
version 3.4.8 (12.2015)
- Issue with zero file size of files from DVD drive in Chrome browser. Added workaround for this issue. Set to true the value of the fileFilter.allowZeroSize setting . In this case MultipowUpload will accept files with zero size and will try to set file size as soon as it will be available from upload events. "fileFilter.allowZeroSize" : "true",
fileFilter.allowZeroSize - boolean. Default value is false.
If set to true MultipowUpload will accept files with zero size (dvd drives in Chrome browser with builtin FP plugin) and will try to set file size as soon as it will be available from upload events. Otherwise files with zero size are not allowed.
fileFilter.allowZeroSize - boolean. Default value is false.
version 3.4.7 (02.2015)
- After initial input of values in description window, further changes are not applied.
version 3.4.6 (07.2014)
- Added ability to use file types icons in list file view.
fileView.types.*.icon.small - URL. Default value is empty.
Url to file type icon to be used in list file view mode . (recommended size is 16x16 px ) -
New value for fileView.fileReady and fileView.fileInfo parameters. "filetype".
When value of those parameters is set to "filetype" MultiPowUpload will use configured file types icons instead of 'info' and 'ready' icons.
fileView.types.*.icon.small - URL. Default value is empty.
version 3.4.5 (04.2014)
descriptionWindow.inputs.*.dropDownLength - Number. Default value is empty.
Count of visible items in dropdown list.
descriptionWindow.inputs.*.dropDownLength - Number. Default value is empty.
- Issue with new names of thumbnails containing extension in their names .
Issue when transparent pngs displayed as black images in preview when thumbnail.transparentBackground is set to false.
For preview transparent bg should be always enabled.
version 3.4.4 (10.2013)
- Issue with initialization of JS object in IE. (should null object when swf destroyed )
- Allowed thumbnails for all types (not only for image files) of remote files .
- Issue with position of zoomed image in image edit window (crop tool).
version 3.4.3 (07.2013)
- Issue with post of several form fields with the same name (when formName parameter configured).
thumbnail.watermark.position - String. Default value is "".
Added new value format for this parameter:
Now it is possible to set margin for each direction.
New format is: verticalPosition[:verticalMargin].horizontalPosition[:horizontalMargin]
Margins can be omited.
Here are examples:
All of them are valid values for thumbnail.watermark.position parameter.
thumbnail.watermark.position - String. Default value is "".
thumbnail.watermark.textStyle.backgroundColor - Boolean. Default value is empty.
Background color for text watermark. -
_onImageRotated(ListItem li, Number rotateAngle)
Event fired when image file rotated. -
_onImageCropped(ListItem li)
Event fired when image cropped.
thumbnail.watermark.textStyle.backgroundColor - Boolean. Default value is empty.
version 3.4.2 (04.2013)
- New values for thumbnailView.cropRectKeepAspectRatio.
- Issue with not working fileFilter.maxCount property.
- Increased height of dropdown list in description window to fill available height.
- Not updated description label in list view.
- Problem with thumbnails generation for large image files, when list view active by default.
thumbnailView.cropRectKeepAspectRatio - String. Default value is "NO".
Added new value formats for this parameter:
1. width/height - to keep custom aspect ratio of crop rect.
Example: "thumbnailView.cropRectKeepAspectRatio" : "160/110" 2. width.height - to keep exact size of crop rect. User will able to move crop rect but can't change it's size.
Example: "thumbnailView.cropRectKeepAspectRatio" : "160.110"
thumbnailView.cropRectKeepAspectRatio - String. Default value is "NO".
remoteFiles.uploadOnlyModified - Boolean. Default value is "true".
Determine whether remote files should be uploaded to server only if they were modified (rotated, cropped) or not. If set to false, then uploader will generate thumbnails for all of remote image files.
remoteFiles.uploadOnlyModified - Boolean. Default value is "true".
version 3.4.1 (09.11.2012)
- Universal uploader : Issue with drag and drop in FireFox 15.
- Issue with update uploader UI when redirectUploadUrl loaded in frame.
- Issue with navigating to folders using lnk files in some Windows versions.
- Issue with not worked thumbnailView.showCropRectDimensions parameter for images preview window.
- Issue with appling filter by image dimension when the value of the thumbnail.loadFromExif parameter is set to true.
- Issue with displaying wrong image dimension when image preview loaded from exif.
fileView.dragEnabled - Boolean. Default value is "true".
Determine whether drag and drop for sorting is allowed in the file list. - thumbnail.generateOnlyForModifiedImages - Boolean. Default value is "false".
If MultiPowUPload configured to send only thumbnails (sendOriginalIMages is set to false and sendThumbnails is set to true), this parameter can be used to generate thumbnails only for images to which user apply modification : crop or rotation . When set to true, MultiPowUpload will generate thumbnails only for those images which were croipped or rotated, other images will be uploaded without thumbnails generation. -
fileFilter.unsupportedImages.maxSize - Number. Default value is "-1".
Allow to filter unsupported images by size. Work ONLY when the value of the thumbnail.format parenmetr is set to "AUTO" and the value if the "thumbnail.handleUnsupportedFormats parameter is set to "SOURCE". It allow to filter by size images which will be uploaded without thumbnails generation.
fileView.dragEnabled - Boolean. Default value is "true".
version 3.4
- Crop operation for images now can be performed in modal window with zoom feature.
- Preview and download of remote files.
- Parameters:
- remoteFiles.allowDownload - Boolean. Default value is "true".
Determines whether user will be able to download remote files from server to local computer. If download allowed, appropriate icon will be displayed for each file item in list .
Icon configured with fileView.fileDownload parameter. - remoteFiles - String. Default value is empty.
List of files for download. Format:
You can omit id, thumbnailurl and date attributes .
Example:landscape.jpg|landscape.jpg|48546||t_landscape.jpg|Wed, 19 Nov 2008 16:19:55 +0400;frog.jpg|frog.jpg|45119||t_frog.jpg|
- remoteFiles.source - URL. Default value is empty.
Url to file (script) with list of files for download. - remoteFiles.source.type - String. Default value is "json".
Type of data in source file.
Vaid values are: json, xml . - fileView.fileDownload - String. Default value is "internal".
Url to the image file for the download icon. - fileView.fileDownload.tooltip - String. Default value is "Download file".
Tooltip text for download icon. - fileView.item.remoteUpColor - Color. Default value is "#FFF7A5".
Background color of the remote file item in the up state. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.visible - Boolean. Default value is "false".
It determines whether the button is displayed. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.text - String. Default value is empty.
Button text. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.width - Number. Default value is "26".
Button width. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.height - Number. Default value is "26".
Button height. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.x - Number. Default value is "
Button horizontal position. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.y - Number. Default value is "
Button vertical position. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.icon - String. Default value is "internal".
Url to the image file for the button icon. - remoteFilesShowHideButton.tooltip - String. Default value is "Show/Hide remote files".
Button tooltip text. - httpSuccessCodes - String. Default value is "200,201,301,302".
Comma separated list of success http status codes . - postFields.browserCookie.method - String. Default value is "post".
Determines how browser cookies should be assed to server. Available values:
get - in query string.
post - as form field value in body of post request. - httpSuccessCodes - String. Default value is "200,201,301,302".
Comma separated list of success http status codes . - thumbnailView.cropIcon.action - String. Default value is "imagePreviewWindow".
Determines what to do when user click "crop" icon. Available values: imagePreviewWindow - show image preview window. User will be able to enlarge image and select crop rect. crop - apply selected crop rect to the image. - thumbnailView.cropIcon.preview.tooltip - String. Default value is "Preview and crop the image".
Tooltip for crop icon when value of the thumbnailView.cropIcon.action parameter is set to "imagePreviewWindow". - hiddenMode.useHandCursor - Boolean. Default value is "true".
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should use "hand" mouse cursor in hidden mode. - buttons.useHandCursor - Boolean. Default value is "false".
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should use "hand" mouse cursor for all buttons.
- remoteFiles.allowDownload - Boolean. Default value is "true".
JavaScript API:
- ProgressInfo.type - String. Determines current operation type. Possible values; "download", "upload".
- ListItem.isRemote - Boolean. Determines whether current ListItem object is remote file or not.
- ListItem.URL - String. Url of remote file. Available only for remote files (value of isRemote property is true).
- ListItem.thumbnailUrl - String. Url of thumbnail of image file. Available only for remote files (value of isRemote property is true).
- addRemoteFiles(Array files) - Add remote files to files list .
- reloadRemoteFiles() - Reload remote files list from specified source. Following parameters used to get list of remote files: remoteFiles and remoteFiles.source .
- Parameters:
- UniversalUploader: issue with passing form data to server when flash/silverlight uploaders rendered with own ui.
- UniversalUploader: issue with tiemout property of XMLHttprequest object in Firefox 12.
- Setting values of parameters listViewButton.visible, thumbViewButton.visible and sortButton.visible at runtime does not work MultiPowUpload.setParameter("listViewButton.visible ", false);
- In thumbnails upload mode several post fields with browser cookies attached to request. It causes problems with restoring session on some web servers.
- Issue with images preview in Google Chrome browser with enabled nuil-in Flash Player.
- Issue with helf sized thumbnails when generating thumbnails wich destination dimension larger than original image dimension.
- fileStatus.ready - Default value changed from "Ready for upload" to "Ready". The same string used to display status of remote files (ready for download) and local files (ready for upload).
version 3.3.3
- Added ability to upload files directly to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).
- Issue when uploader hangs on connection restore. When thumbnails upload enabled, and connection lost for some reason, uploader may hangs instead of continue upload on connection restore.
- Issue with missed fileId post field when files uploaded using HTML5 or HTML4 method in universalUploader.
- Issue with invalid values of thumbnails width and height passed to server in form fields.
- Issue with loading external resources on some (outdated) versions of Flash Player.
- Issue with uploading non-image files to the thumbnail.uploadUrl script if the value of the sendThumbnails is set to true.
- Issue with not uploaded thumbnails , when the value of the thumbnail.resizeSmallImages parameter is set to true, source image file dimensions are less then values of thumbnail.height and thumbnail.width parameters, and upload process initiated from list view (when preview thumbnails are not displayed).
- Parameters:
- transparentBackground - Boolean. Default value is "false".
Determines whether background of MultiPowUpload should be transparent.
Note: You should also set the value of the wmode parameter of <object> or <embed> tag to transparent. - descriptionWindow.width - Number. Default value is "0.9".
Width of description window in prcentage from movie width. Set the value as a number from 0.0 to 1.0. For example, to display window with the half-size width, set the value to 0.5. - descriptionWindow.height - Number. Default value is "0.9".
Height of description window in prcentage from movie height. Set the value as a number from 0.0 to 1.0. For example, to display window with the half-size height, set the value to 0.5. - amazonS3.accessKeyId - String. Default value is .
Access Key ID to perform requests to Amazon. - amazonS3.policy - String. Default value is .
Encoded policy. - amazonS3.signature - String. Default value is .
Signature of request. - amazonS3.acl - String. Default value is "public-read".
Permissions to be set for uploaded file. Valid values are:
- amazonS3.key - String. Default value is "<FILENAME>".
Name of uploaded file. Use <FILENAME> placeholder for original file name.
This parameter helpfull if you need to upload files into some subfolder of your bucket.
Example: 'uploads/<FILENAME>' - amazonS3.contentType - String. Default value is "<AUTODETECT>".
Content type of uploaded files. Use <AUTODETECT> placeholder to allow MultiPowUpload automatically detect content type. - eventHandler.onButtonClick - String. Default value is "<_onButtonClick>".
Name of the java script event handler, that invoked when user click some of buttons. - browseButton.action - Number. Default value is "0".
What to do on button click?
Available values:
0 - default action.
1 - default action and then call java script onButtonClick event handler
2 - only call java script onButtonClick event handler
- uploadButton.action - Number. Default value is "0".
What to do on button click?
Available values:
0 - default action.
1 - default action and then call java script onButtonClick event handler
2 - only call java script onButtonClick event handler
- thumbViewButton.action - Number. Default value is "0".
What to do on button click?
Available values:
0 - default action.
1 - default action and then call java script onButtonClick event handler
2 - only call java script onButtonClick event handler
- listViewButton.action - Number. Default value is "0".
What to do on button click?
Available values:
0 - default action.
1 - default action and then call java script onButtonClick event handler
2 - only call java script onButtonClick event handler
- sortButton.action - Number. Default value is "0".
What to do on button click?
Available values:
0 - default action.
1 - default action and then call java script onButtonClick event handler
2 - only call java script onButtonClick event handler
- removeButton.action - Number. Default value is "0".
What to do on button click?
Available values:
0 - default action.
1 - default action and then call java script onButtonClick event handler
2 - only call java script onButtonClick event handler
- clearButton.action - Number. Default value is "0".
What to do on button click?
Available values:
0 - default action.
1 - default action and then call java script onButtonClick event handler
2 - only call java script onButtonClick event handler
- transparentBackground - Boolean. Default value is "false".
- onButtonClick(buttonName) - Invoked when user click on some of the buttons.
function MultiPowUpload_onButtonClick(buttonName) { alert("clicked "+buttonName; switch(buttonName) { case "uploadButton": MultiPowUpload.uploadAll(); break; } }
- onButtonClick(buttonName) - Invoked when user click on some of the buttons.
- Parameters:
version 3.3.2
Added feature to mark fields in description wiondow with "required" attribute.
Upload process will not be started until user did not fill out correct values for such fields.
Added feature to mark fields in description wiondow with "required" attribute.
- Issue with transparency of thumbnails generated from gif image files.
- Issue with wrong values of imageWidth and imageHeigth post fields passed to server in post request for some images (if loadFromExif set to true).
- When the user adds more than one file to the file list and then goes to set the custom metadata for the most recent file, the ?listView.description? line goes blank for every file except the most recent one.
- Issue with incorrect work of descriptionWindow.inputs.*.specificForTypes parameter.
- Isseue : addFilePostField, addPostField methods does not support field with "-", "[", "]" and other special characters in name.
Format of value of ListItem.postFields property.
Correct way to access data:
var postFields = MultiPowUpload.getFile(fileslist.options[i].value).postFields;
for (var j=0;j < postFields.length; j++)
alert(postFields[j]["name"]+" - "+postFields[j]["val"]);
Format of value of ListItem.postFields property.
- Parameters:
- messages.missingRequiredField - String. Default value is "The value of required field '<FIELDNAME>' is missing for file <FILENAME>!".
Message displayed when value of some of required fields is not set. - descriptionWindow.inputs.*.required - Boolean.
Determines whether this field is required or not. - fileFilter.allowDuplicates - Boolean. Default value is "false".
Determines whether duplicate files allowed to be added to the files list.
- messages.missingRequiredField - String. Default value is "The value of required field '<FIELDNAME>' is missing for file <FILENAME>!".
- Parameters:
version 3.3.1
Added ability to adjust sharpness of generated image thumnails.
Added ability to adjust sharpness of generated image thumnails.
- Issue with initialization of MultiPowUPload java script object in some versions of IE browser.
thumbnail.sharpness - Number. Default value is "50".
Sharpness of generated image thumbnails. Value from 0 to 100.
thumbnail.sharpness - Number. Default value is "50".
version 3.3
- Now MultiPowUpload is not just a flash uploader. It includes simple and hightly customizable JavaScript + HTML interface which uses HTML4, and HTML5 upload features.
Added ability to get thumbnails data on client side using JavaScript API.
It may be usefull if you need to draw your own file list with images preview using html+css. - AutoStart feature allow automatically start upload process when user select files.
- Filter images by dimension (minimum and maximum by width or height) .
New value for the thumbnail.format parameter : "auto" - output
format will be the same as original image format.
If output format is not supported by MultiPowUpload, then rules based on the value of the thumbnail.handleUnsupportedFormats will be applied.
- Issue with generation of thumbnails from large image files.
- Issue with getting form fields with empty name/id attributes. Upload may hangs in IE browsers.
- Fixed positioning of Movie under html objects in hiddenMode. It's recommended to set the value of the position (css) attribute to 'absolute' before movie is loaded, because setting this attribute at runtime (mpu set it byself ) results to reload of whole movie. That's may cause problems with proper js object initialization under some of browsers.
To the redirectUploadUrl will be posted all file post fields which is posted to
the uploadUrl script.
To the name of each post field will be added postfix with file index.
Example : rotateAngle_0 - Issue with starting upload process from JavaScript (UploadAll method) in some browsers (IE).
- Issue with rersuming upload if it was cancelled (standard upload mode).
- Issue with fileView border (for large movie dimension).
- Issue with upload hangs when custom remove icon is set using listView.removeButton.icon parameter.
- Issue with calling onError event handler.
retryDialog.enabled - Boolean. Default value is "true".
Determines whether retry dialog should be displayed if some files were not uploaded. -
thumbnail.handleUnsupportedFormats - String. Default value is
JPEG: Convert unsupported file extensions like GIF into JPEG format.
BMP: Convert unsupported file extensions like GIF into BMP format.
PNG: Convert unsupported file extensions like GIF into PNG format and change alpha transparency to thumbnail.backgroundColor.
SOURCE: Just upload unsupported file extensions as they are without any image processing (attention: files are uploaded without resizing to thumbnail.width/thumbnail.height). -
statusLabel.htmlEnabled - Boolean. Default value is "false".
Determines whether some of html tags can be used in status label.
Supported tags can be found here . -
descriptionWindow.inputs.*.defaultValue - String. Default
value is empty.
Default value for input field in description window. For text inputs this string will be displayed as default text. For drop down list , element with exactly the same value will be selected by default. -
fileView.borderWidth - Number. Default value is 1.0.
Width of border drawn around fileView (list or thumbnails). -
fileView.borderColor - Color. Default value is #CCCCCC.
Color of border drawn around fileView (list or thumbnails). -
autoStart - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should automatically start upload process when user add files. -
allowAddFilesDuringUpload - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should allow (enabled browse button) to add files while upload process already active. -
fileFilter.image.maxWidth - Number. Default value is -1.
Maximum width (in pixels) of image files which is allowed for upload. -
fileFilter.image.minWidth - Number. Default value is -1.
Minimum width (in pixels) of image files which is allowed for upload. -
fileFilter.image.maxHeight - Number. Default value is -1.
Maximum height (in pixels) of image files which is allowed for upload. -
fileFilter.image.minHeight - Number. Default value is -1.
Minimum height (in pixels) of image files which is allowed for upload. -
messages.invalidImageDimension - String. Default value is
"Image should satisfy the following conditions : width is from <MINWIDTH>
to <MAXWIDTH> pixels <br> height is from <MINHEIGHT> to
<MAXHEIGHT> pixels.<br> <COUNTINVALIDFILES> files were
Message displayed when image's dimension do not satisfy specified filter conditions.
retryDialog.enabled - Boolean. Default value is "true".
generateThumbnail(id) - start thumbail generation process for
file if possible.
If file is valid image (encoded in supported image format) , onImageLoaded event will be fired on sucessfull thumbnail generation. - getFileThumbnail(id) - return thumbnail data for file in PNG format encoded with Base64 encoding.
generateThumbnail(id) - start thumbail generation process for
file if possible.
version 3.2 (15.04.2011)
- Added support of BMP image format. Now MultiPowUpload can read images encoded in BMP format and also it can generate thumbnails encoded in BMP format. Set the value of the thumbnail.format paramneter to "BMP" to generate thumbnails in BMP format.
- Added feature of automatic scroll to the item which is currently processed (thumbnail generation, thumbnail upload or upload process started).
- Added ability set custom icons (in thumbnails view) to different file types.
- Increased speed of thumnails generation process (in preview).
- Issue with ignored indecies in uploadFiles method when thumbnails upload enabled.
- Issue with not applying custom images for states of sortButton (up,down, etc).
- In thumbnails view top/bottom panel are not dismissed properly when popup window displayed.
- Upload and thumbnails generation process may hangs in Chrome browser with build-in Flash Player.
- When new value for inline text input was set using setFileDescription method, it is not rendered until user click on list item.
- Issue with not rounded bandwidth value when it in bytes.
- Issue with displaying filenames containing $& (and others regeex sequiences) characters.
- When user pass the mouse quickly over the thumbnail view and push it out of the view, some icons are not dismissed properly (only if the "thumbnailView.topPanel.showOnRollOver" parameter set to "true")
- Issue with ignoring 0 (zero) value of parameters of type number and using default values instead.
- Issue with visible listView button in hidden mode.
- Issue with invalid crop area when thumbnailView.thumbnailWidth and thumbnailView.thumbnailHeight parameters set to different values.
- Issue with reversed thumbnail dimensions when user rotate image on 90 or 270 degress.
- Memory leaks when upload process initiated from MPU JS event handler. For example, starting upload process from onAddFiles event handler.
window.warningCaption - String. Default value is "Warning".
Caption for window with error message. -
window.errorCaption - String. Default value is "Error".
Caption for window with warning message. -
messages.onlyOneBrowseDialogAllowed - String. Default value is
"Browse dialog already opened. Only one file browsing session may be performed
at a time.".
Human readable message about already opened browse dialog. Error may occurs when MultiPowUpload work in hidden mode (wmode set to transparent) and user press browse button while browse dialog is opened. -
thumbnailView.resizeSmallImages - Boolean. Default value is
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should apply resize rules to images which dimensions are less then values of thumbnailView.thumbnailHeight and thumbnailView.thumbnailWidth parameters.
If set to false, small images will not be resized (stretched). -
clearListOnAddNewFiles - Boolean. Default value is false.
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should remove all files from list when new set of files selected in browse dialog. Usefull when the value of the fileFilter.maxCount parameter is set to 1, instead of display error message about maximum allowed files count , existing file will be replaced by selected one. -
fileView.scrollToActive - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should automatically scroll to the currently processed item in active files view. -
fileView.types.default.icon - URL. Default value is
Url to default file type icon. -
fileView.types.*.extensions - String. Default value is empty.
List of file extensions in this named types group. (* is any name of the group) -
fileView.types.*.icon - Url. Default value is empty.
Url to the icon for this named types group. (* is any name of the group) -
listView.textInput.editable - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether inline text input in the list view will be editable by user . -
thumbnailView.topPanel.inputTextBox.editable - Boolean.
Default value is true.
Determines whether inline text input in the list view will be editable by user . -
thumbnailView.horizontalIndent - Number. Default value is 0.
Size of indent which will be added to the top and to the bottom of the image cell. -
thumbnailView.verticalIndent - BoolNumberean. Default value is
Size of indent which will be added to the left and to the right of the image cell.
window.warningCaption - String. Default value is "Warning".
version 3.1.2 (14.01.2011)
- Issue with active navigation keys in thumbnailsView when user input text into inline text input.
- If user cancels process of thumbnails generation and then press upload button again, MultiPowUpload may hangs up.
- Issue with error handling of thumbnails upload process.
thumbnail.resizeSmallImages - Boolean. Default value is true.
Determines whether MultiPowUpload should apply resize rules to images which dimensions are less then values of thumbnail.height and thumbnail.width parameters. If set to false, small images will not be resized.
thumbnail.resizeSmallImages - Boolean. Default value is true.
version 3.1.1 (24.12.2010)
Added new resize modes for thumbnails : exactFit - the result thumbnail will
always have specified dimensions. If it is necessary, "unused" space of
thumbnail is filled with thumbnail.backgroundColor color. If the value of the
thumbnail.format parameter set to "PNG" and the value of the
thumbnail.transparentBackground parameter set to true, result thumbnail will
have transparent background.
fitByWidth - the result thumbnail will always have specified width.
- fitByHeight - the result thumbnail will always have specified height.
fitByWidth - the result thumbnail will always have specified width.
Added new resize modes for thumbnails : exactFit - the result thumbnail will
always have specified dimensions. If it is necessary, "unused" space of
thumbnail is filled with thumbnail.backgroundColor color. If the value of the
thumbnail.format parameter set to "PNG" and the value of the
thumbnail.transparentBackground parameter set to true, result thumbnail will
have transparent background.
- Issue with wrong crop region when the value of the thumbnailView.bottomPanel.overImage parameter set to false.
- When chunked upload mode is enabled, custom form fields were not sent to server with first "check" request.
- Value of the fileFilter.disabledTypes parameter was case sensitive.
- Immediate cancellation of thumbnails upload process.
- Issue with resize under Chrome browser.
- Fixes in translation files for French and Dutch languages.
fileView.itemBorder.left - Number. Default value is 1.0.
Width of the left border of the item. -
fileView.itemBorder.right - Number. Default value is 0.5.
Width of the right border of the item. - - Number. Default value is 1.0.
Width of the top border of the item. -
fileView.itemBorder.bottom - Number. Default value is 0.5.
Width of the bottom border of the item.
fileView.itemBorder.left - Number. Default value is 1.0.
onAddFiles(addedFiles, ignoredFiles) event handler now contain second argument
- list of ignored files.
function MultiPowUpload_onAddFiles(addedFiles, ignoredFiles)
alert(addedFiles.length+" - "+ignoredFiles.length);
onAddFiles(addedFiles, ignoredFiles) event handler now contain second argument
- list of ignored files.
version 3.1 (26.10.2010)
- Automatic detection of user language and loading of corresponding translation file. Distribution package contains 30+ translation files.
- Tested under latest IE 9 beta , FireFox 4 beta, Android 2.2 (flash enabled Google mobile OS) browser.
- Control of MultiPowUpload using server response and special xml structure.
- Auto size for buttons based on the text and icon dimensions. Auto layout of UI components. Ability to set relative coordinates.
- The first request in chunked upload mode had the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type. It broke parsing on some servers which expect receiving the request encoded as multipart/form-data .
- Value of externalVariablesUrl could not be changed using setParameter method during runtime.
- In the thumbnails view, mode image overlapped cell borders.
- When an image was rotated, it had a wrong position inside the cell in the end of rotation .
- In the thumbnails view, after crop/reset, the bottom panel of crop operations became hidden and a user should move the cursor towards the panel again to make it visible.
- After sorting a file list, in the thumbnail view the bottom panel changed its position on 1 pixel when a cursor was placed on it.
- Transfer rate and left time was displayed by real time values. They were changed to average values.
- Upload cancelation didn't work for thumnail upload.
- Sometimes when a flash was being loaded on a page, the progress bar stopped on 100% and the flash didn't work. The problem was discovered when MPU worked under Firefox browser and swf file was cached.
- The problem with initialization of JavaScript object in some browsers (ubuntu OS).
- The problem with initialization of JavaScript object when MultiPowUpload placed on a page using <object> and <embed> tags.
- Untransparrent background in hidden mode during flash movie initialization.
- Files without extension could not be added under Ubuntu OS. They were not displayed in the browse dialog.
- setParameter method did not apply descriptionWindow.inputs.* parameters.
- setParameter method did not apply tooltip parameters.
JavaScript alert window with messages about wrong domain and trial verson did
not depend on showAlert parameter.
These messages were displayed by javaScript when MultiPowUpload worked in the hidden mode or whn MPU dimensions were too smal to show Flash popu window. - thumbnailView.bottomPanel.labelPattern parameter expected <SIZE> instead of <FILESIZE>. Valid variables: <FILENAME>, <FILEDATE>, <FILESIZE>
- Issue with not receiving http, io errors after image was loaded into memory. For example, if user open thumbnnail view (images loaded into memory and displayed) and error occurs during upload process, MultiPowUpload may hangs.
- Issue with invalid crop region when crop rect dimensions has been controlled by thumbnailView.cropRectKeepAspectRatio parameter and some of crop borders was near to image border.
- Issue with possibility add duplicate files under linux and MAC OS systems
- Preloader starts showing the percentage of download only from 50%
constant.decimalSeparator - String. Default value is ",".
Character for decimal separator. -
fileView.drawBorder - Boolean. Default value is true.
It determines whether MultiPowUPload should draw border around the file list. -
autoLayout - Boolean. Default value is false.
If the parameter is set to true, MultiPowUpload will automatically set height and width button based on the text and icon dimensions. -
language.autoDetect - Boolean. Default value is false.
If the parameter is set to true, MultiPowUpload will try to detect the user language. -
language.source - URL - Default value is
Url to xml file with translation. -
listViewButton.visible - boolean - Default value is true
Determines whether listViewButton should be displayed or not. -
thumbViewButton.visible - boolean - Default value is true
Determines whether listViewButton should be displayed or not. -
thumbnailView.bottomPanel.visible - boolean - Default value is true
Determines whether bottom panel in thumbnailView cell should be displayed or not.
constant.decimalSeparator - String. Default value is ",".
ListItem object:
- ListItem.thumbnailFileName - name of image thumbnail after replacing all the placeholders in the value of thumbnail.fileName parameter.
- ListItem.imageWidth - width of image file. Contain correct value only if image was loaded into memory (onImageLoaded event handler)
- ListItem.imageHeight - height of image file. Contain correct value only if image was loaded into memory (onImageLoaded event handler)
- ListItem.isValidImage - true if image files have valid size and format for thumbnails upload. Contain correct value only if image was loaded into memory (onImageLoaded event handler)
- ListItem.postFields - collection of all post fields
- Swf file renamed to ElementITMultiPowUpload.swf without version indication in file name. For better compability.
- Default value of listView.label.disabledFileInfoTooltip parameter was changed to "Size: <FILESIZE>\nDate: <FILEDATE>\nStatus: <FILESTATUS>";
- Default value of listView.label.tooltip parameter was changed to "Size: <FILESIZE>\nDate: <FILEDATE>\nStatus: <FILESTATUS>";
- Default value of thumbnailView.infoIcon.tooltip parameter was changed to Size: <FILESIZE>\nDate: <FILEDATE>\nStatus: <FILESTATUS>";
- Default value of thumbnailView.infoIcon.disabledFileInfoTooltip parameter was changed to "Size: <FILESIZE>\nDate: <FILEDATE>\nStatus: <FILESTATUS>"
- Default value of removeButton.y parameter was changed to "<>"
- Default value of clearButton.x parameter was changed to "<movie.width>-<clearButton.width>-5"
- Default value of clearButton.y parameter was changed to "<>"
- Default value of fileView.y parameter was changed to "<browseButton.bottom>+5"
- Default value of fileView.width parameter was changed to "<movie.width>-8"
- Default value of fileView.height parameter was changed to "<statusLabel.y>-<fileView.y>-3"
- Default value of uploadButton.x parameter was changed to "<browseButton.right>+3"
- Default value of uploadButton.y parameter was changed to "<>"
- Default value of listViewButton.x parameter was changed to "<uploadButton.right>+10"
- Default value of listViewButton.y parameter was changed to "<>"
- Default value of sortButton.x parameter was changed to "<thumbViewButton.right>+5"
- Default value of sortButton.y parameter was changed to "<>"
- Default value of thumbViewButton.x parameter was changed to "<listViewButton.right>+3"
- Default value of thumbViewButton.y parameter was changed to "<>"
- Default value of progressBar.y parameter was changed to "<movie.height>-<progressBar.height>-4"
- Default value of statusLabel.y parameter was changed to "<progressBar.y>-<statusLabel.height>"
- Default value of statusLabel.width parameter was changed to "<movie.width>-8"
- Default value of progressBar.width parameter was changed to "<movie.width>-8"
version 3.0.1 (23.08.2010)
- Issue with ignored input fields for description window is configured in external xml file (using externalVariablesUrl parameter).
version 3.0 (06.07.2010)
- "Loading" progress bar while a movie is loaded by a browser.
- Integrated thumbnails preview mode.
- Configurable list of view mode.
- Icons for all buttons.
- Hidden mode with overlaying Flash movie over html objects.
- Drag and drop for custom list sort. User can simply drag the items in list or thumbnail view modes to reorder them if necessary.
- Configurable tooltips for all UI elements.
- Description window which allows to set up form fields for each file.
- 3 modes of thumnail generation: fit, stretch and crop.
- Improved speed and quality of generated thumbnails image.
- Ability to set thumbnails dimensions in percentage of source image. It allows to apply the image transformations to a source image when thumbnails dimensions have been set to 100% of source image.
- Access to EXIF metadata of image file.
- Integrated preview of image files (JPEG, PNG, GIF).
- Rotate and crop operations.
- Animated rotation operation.
- Panel display when the cursor is placed over a file item.
- Progress bar for each file item.
- Icons for each of the file state.
- Inline comment input text box.
- File information by a mouse click.
- Progress bar for each file item.
- Icons for each of the file state.
- Inline comment input text box.
- Short preview of form field values entered by a user in the description window.
- File information by a mouse click.
- Resumption of broken uploads.
- Pause of upload process.
- No "cookies" bugs in chunked upload mode .
- Adobe Flash guarantees 100 MB files uploading by this method but even 500 MB files work correctly on most PCs.
- Structured and organised methods and events.
- Automatical initialisation of JavaScript object.
- Total control of all MultiPowUpload functions.
- Set your own images for all of the button states.
- Theme files in ZIP format support. It allows to save time for loading resource files.
- Change theme at the runtime.
- Debug mode was added.
- Download mode was removed completely.
- A lot of new parameters and methods.
New user interface:
Thumbnails generation on client side:
Thumbnails view:
List view:
Chunked upload mode:
JavaScript API:
Theme and skin support:
Other changes:
version 2.1 (23.04.2009)
- Thumbnmails Viewer plugin was released.
- Thumbnails Generation on client side and upload them to server.
- File identificator were added as a last parameter for all javaScript events where a file index passed as a parameter.
- getFileByIndex(index) - get ListItem by index.
- filesCount() - count of files in List.
- getId() - it returns a unique identificator of MultiPowUpload instance.
- prepareButtonVisible - Boolean. Default value is true.
- prepareButtonText - String. Default value is "Prepare".
- progressGenerateThumbnail - String. Default value is "Generating image thumbnails... please wait."
- progressReadyForUpload - String. Default value is "Files ready for upload. Press upload button to start.".
- progressUploadThumbnailsText - String. Default value is "Uploading thumbnails, please wait...".
- getThumbnailFromExif=true;
- thumbnailFormat - String. Default value is "JPG". Valid values are PNG or JGP.
- thumbnailJPGQuality- Integer. Default value is 85.
- thumbnailTransparentBackground- Boolean. Default value is false.
- thumbnailBackgroundColor- Color. Default value is "#000000".
thumbnailFileName - String. Default value is "thumbnail_
" . - sendThumbnails - Boolean. Default value is false.
- thumbnailWidth - Integer. Default value is 160.
- thumbnailHeight - Integer. Default value is 120.
- thumbnailUploadUrl - Url. Default value is value of uploadUrl parameter.
thumbnailFormFieldName - String. Default value is "thumbnail_
". - rotateAngleFieldName - String. Default value is rotateAngle.
- rotateAngleBeforeCropFieldName - String. Default value is rotateAngleBeforeCrop.
- cropRectXFieldName - String. Default value is cropRectX.
- cropRectYFieldName - String. Default value is cropRectY.
- cropRectWidthFieldName - String. Default value is cropRectWidth.
- cropRectHeightFieldName - String. Default value is cropRectHeight.
version 2.0 (24.10.2008)
- Completely rewritten in Action Script 3.0
- New class ListItem represent file.
- Customizable list view.
- getFile(fileId):ListItem returns an instance of a ListItem object by specified id. Parameters: fileId:String is an identificator of the file.
- addFileParam(fileId:String, paramName:String, paramVal:String): adds a parameter for the file specified in the fileId parameter. This parameter will be posted to the server with the specified file. Parameters: fileId:String is an identificator of the file. paramName:String - name of parameter. paramVal:String - value of parameter.
- removeFileParamfileId:String, paramName:String) removes parameter with paramName name from the file specified by the fileId parameter. Parameters: fileId:String - Identificator of file. paramName:String - name of the parameter that should be removed.
- addParam(name:String, val:String) adds a parameter to post a request. This parameter will be posted with all files. Parameters: name:String - a name of the parameter. val:String - a value of the parameter.
- removeParam(name:String) removes a parameter with a specified name in the post request. Parameter: name:String - name of the parameter.
- MultiPowUPload_onRemoveItem(fileIndex): it is invoked when a file is removed from the list. Parameters: fileIndex:Integer - an index of removed file.
- MultiPowUPload_onClearList(): it is invoked when a user presses "clear list" button or removeAll() method is called.
- MultiPowUPload_onCancel(type) : it is invoked when upload/download operation is cancelled. Parameters: type:String - the string represents type of process. Possible values: "upload" or "download"
- MultiPowUPload_onSelectItems() : it is invoked when a user selects an item in the file list.
- externalVariablesUrl - URL. Default value is an Url to the file with parameters.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_400 - String. Default value is Bad Request. Server can't understand request! Contact Element-IT support team in this case.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_401 - String. Default value is Unauthorized. User authentication is required!
- httpErrorCodeDescription_402 - String. Default value is Payment Required. Reserved code!
httpErrorCodeDescription_403 - String.Default value is Forbidden. The server
has understood the request, but refuses to fulfill it!
For apache servers: This happens because you have enabled an Apache module named mod_security on server which blocks the headers sent by Flash.
For IIS with ASP servers: This issue occurs if a Content-Length header is present and if the Content-Length header specifies an amount of data that is larger than the value of the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed property in the IIS metabase.
The default value for the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed property is 204,800 bytes. -
httpErrorCodeDescription_404 - String. Default value is Page not found. Can't
find '
' page on server! -
httpErrorCodeDescription_405 - String. Default value is Post method not allowed
for this page
! Try to change server settings to allow post method for recieving the script. - httpErrorCodeDescription_406 - String.Default value is Not Acceptable. It means that the server can't generate response entities which have content characteristics that are not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.
- Flash accept header is 'text/*'. httpErrorCodeDescription_407 - String. Default value: Proxy Authentication Required.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_408 - String. Default value is Request Timeout.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_409 - String. Default value is Conflict.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_410 - String. Default value is Gone. The requested resource is no longer available on the server and no forwarding address is known.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_411 - String. Default value is Length Required.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_412 - String. Default value is Precondition Failed.
httpErrorCodeDescription_413 - String. Default value is Request Entity Too
For IIS servers: 1. Try to increase UploadReadAheadSize metabase property.
2. Try to increase MaxRequestEntityAllowed property value in IIS config.
For apache servers: Try to increase LimitRequestBody parameter in httpd.conf. - httpErrorCodeDescription_414 - String. Default value is Request-URI Too Long.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_415 - String. Default value is Unsupported Media Type.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_416 - String. Default value is Requested Range Not Satisfiable.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_417 - String. Default value is Expectation Failed.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_500 - String. Default value is Internal Server Error. Usually it means that receiving script has errors.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_501 - String. Default value is Not Implemented. Server does not support POST method.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_502 - String. Default value is Bad Gateway.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_503 - String. Default value is 503 Service Unavailable. The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_504 - String. Default value is Gateway Timeout.
- httpErrorCodeDescription_505 - String. Default value is HTTP Version Not Supported. Server does not support HTTP 1.1.
- formName - String. Default value is myForm. Id of the form on html page which values should be included in the request.
- uploadFileFieldName - String. Default value is Filedata. Name of the file form field in the request.
- sendTestRequest - Boolean. Default value is false. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send a test request or not.
- removeUploadedFilesFromList - Boolean. Default value is false. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should remove uploaded files from list.
- sendFieldsWithGetMethod - Boolean. Default value is false. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send form fields with GET method.
- sendFileId - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send the file id.
- sendFileCreationDate - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send the file creation date.
- sendFileModificationDate - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send the file modification date.
- sendFileSize - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send file size.
- sendFilesCount - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send the files count. Starts from 1.
- sendCurrentFileIndex - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether MultiPowUpload should send the current file index. (Starts from zero)
- sendBrowserCookie - Boolean. Default value is true. Determines whether MultiPowUpload should send the browser cookies.
- fileIdFieldName Default - String. value is fileId. Name of fileid form field in the request.
- fileCreationDateFieldName - String. Default value is fileCreationdate. Name of creation date form field in the request.
- fileModificationDateFieldName - String. Default value is fileModificationDate. Name of modification date form field in the request.
- fileSizeFieldName - String. Default value is fileSize. Name of file size form field in the request.
- filesCountFieldName Default - String. Default value is filesCount. Name of files count form field in the request.
- currentFileIndexFieldName - String. Default value is currentFileIndex. Name of current file index form field in the request.
- browserCookieFieldName - String. Default value is MultiPowUpload_browserCookie. Name of browser cookie form field in the request.
- uploadUrlEmptyMessage - String. Default value is Upload script URL (uploadUrl parameter) is empty! The message is displayed when uploadUrl is empty.
- customList - Boolean. Default value is true Determines whether MultiPowUpload should use the custom list.
- customListShowProgressBar - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether the progress bar is shown or not for each file.
- customListShowTextInput - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether the text input is shown or not for each file.
- customListShowRemoveButton - Boolean. Default value is true. It determines whether the remove button is shown or not for each file.
- customListRemoveButtonText - String. Default value is Remove. Label of the remove button in the custom list.
- customListTextInputName - String. Default value is userText. Name of a form field in the request.
- customListTextInputBackgroundColor - Color. Default value is Background color of text input.
- customListTextInputTextColor - Color. Default value is #000000. Font color of text input.
- customListTextInputDefaultString - String. Default value is Put file description here. Default text in text input.
- listUpColor - Color. Default value is #FFFFFF
- listDownColor - Color. Default value is #E3FFD6
- listSelectedUpColor - Color. Default value is #9AD8FF
- listSelectedDownColor - Color. Default value is #9AD8FF
- listSelectedRollOverColor - Color. Default value is #DAF1FF
- listUnuploadedColor - Color. Default value is #FF0000
- customPostFields Default value is "; example: paramname1;paramvalue1|paramname2;paramvalue2
- buttonBottomBorderColor - Color. Default value is #585F63
- buttonTopBorderColor - Color. Default value is #B7BABC
- buttonDisabledBottomBorderColor - Color. Default value is #585F63
- buttonDisabledTopBorderColor - Color. Default value is #B7BABC
- buttonRollOverBottomBorderColor - Color. Default value is #0075BF
- buttonRollOverTopBorderColor - Color. Default value is #009DFF
- buttonDownBottomBackgroundColor - Color. Default value is #99D7FE
- buttonDownTopBackgroundColor - Color. Default value is #D9F0FE
- buttonDownBottomBorderColor - Color. Default value is #0075BF
- buttonDownTopBorderColor - Color. Default value is #009DFF
- progressBarLeftColor - Color. Default value is #99D7FE
- progressBarRightColor - Color. Default value is #D9F0FE
- progressBarLeftBorderColor - Color. Default value is #0075BF
- progressBarRightBorderColor - Color. Default value is #009DFF
version 1.8 (08.08.2008)
- Workaround for new FlashPlayer 10 security system. It is not recommended to use browseFiles() method now because it won't work in Player 10. Workaround: Developers who want to use Java Script + HTMl inetarfce can replace "Browse" button with Flash button. See JavaScriptUpload.html sample.
- To fix issues in FlashPlayer 10, download mode logic was changed. Now the files are downloaded one by one. After one file is downloaded, a user should click the download button again.
- Custom list with icon, text input and progress bar added.
- Check duplicates when files are added.
- customList - boolean. Default is false. It determines whether the customized list is used or not.
- customListShowProgressBar - boolean. Default is true. It determines whether the progress bar is shown or not.
- progressDownloadPausedText - String. Default value is "Download paused. Press download button to continue."
- fileListVisible - Boolean. Default is true.
- showAboutMenuItem - bool. Default is true. It determines whether the menu item in context menu is shown or not.
- customListShowRemoveButton - boolean. Default is true. It determines whether the remove button in list row is shown or not.
- customListRemoveButtonText - string. Default: "Remove". It removes the button text.
version 1.7.3 (25.12.2007)
- Background color of flash movie was partially changed when alert window is shown.
- Alert window changed to nonmodal.
- Issue with creationDate and modificationDate. Java script Date object was always initialized with current time.
- Flash.filesList().[index].creationDate now initialized as FileReference.creationDate.getTime(). (Was FileReference.creationDate). Instead of using Date function. New Date object must be created. Like this: dastr = new Date(Flash.fileList()[fileIndex].modificationDate).toString();
- If custom fileTypes parameter was specified for limiting allowed file types, user can input *.* in browse dialog, select and upload files of any type.
- Functionality to check allowed extensions inside MultiPowUpload was added. If non-allowed files are found, fileTypeWrongMessage message will be displayed.
- MultiPowUpload_onBeforeStart occures when upload button is pressed, before upload process started.
- removeUploadedFilesOnCancel - boolean, Default: No . It determines whether the files from file list should be removed or not when the cancel button is clicked.
- cancelImmediately - boolean, Default is No. It determines whether upload/download should be cancelled immidiately or the application will wait till the file will be uploaded fully.
fileTypeWrongMessage: String. Default value is Only files with following type:
allowed to upload! files were ignored! - retryDialogMessage: Default value is "Some files have not been uploaded. Do you want to try upload again?"
New variables to progressMainText parameter were added :
- count of unuploaded files - count of successfully uploaded files - total files count
version 1.7.2 (12.07.2007)
- If position and size of the uploadButton were changed at runtime, new parameters didn't apply to the cancelButton.
- function sortFileListJS(field, option) FIELD - sorting field. Possible values: NAME, SIZE, DATE. OPTION - sorting order. Possible Values: ASC, DESC.
- showLink- Only for commercial version! It determines whether Flash will show MultiPowUpload lable with a link. Default value is true.
- javaScriptEventsPrefix - It specifies prefix for java script event functions. Default isMultiPowUpload
- dateFormatString - Pattern for the format of Date object to String representation. DefaultValue is d.m.Y H:i
- redirectTarget - Target of redirectUploadUrl. It is like a target parameter in <a> html tag. Default value is _self.
- sortAscLabel - Label text in context menu. Default value is Sort ASC
- sortDescLabel - Label text in context menu. Default value is Sort DESC
- sortByNameLabel - Label text in context menu. Default value is Sort by name
- sortBySizeLabel - Label text in context menu. Default value is Sort by size
- sortByDateLabel - Label text in context menu. Default value is Sort by date
- fileListPattern - Gives users a possibility to change file list representation. Possible patterns: <FILENAME>, <SIZE>, <DATE>. Default value is <FILENAME> (<SIZE>)