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HTTP Commander features list Grouped by the meaning

User interface

  1. Basic files/folders management operations: creation, copying, deleting, renaming, move, search, view
  2. Familiar and user-friendly Windows Explorer-like interface.
  3. Folders navigation with a tree and list, thumbnails or tiles view.
  4. Multiple items selection. You can select the files and directories with the CTRL and SHIFT Keys. Mouse selection is supported.
  5. Automatic highlight and select of typed items in folder when you type first letters of file/foldername.
  6. Fast as a local application and quick loading because of modern technologies usage.
  7. Highlight new and modified files. New and recently modified files marked with special icons.
  8. Configurable toolbars. Configurable size, order and presence of toolbar items.
  9. Customizable logo. Place your own logo on toolbar and login page.
  10. Several built in themes.
  11. Special user interface for mobile devices (Ios, Android, Windows Phone, etc.).
  12. Multilingual and customizable interface. (30+ languages included)


  1. Sharing documents and folders between the users.
  2. Publicly sharing files and folders with possibility to set advanced settings. Password protection, expiration date configuration, notifications about activities for public shares.
  3. Download with support of resumption. Drag and drop download.
  4. Downloads counting
  5. Many opportunities to upload files and folders
  6. Drag and drop files/folders, upload of large files (>2GB)
  7. Custom upload form fields.
  8. Paste an image from the clipboard. Take a screenshot and easily upload it to a server.
  9. Comments, Labels and Files Details. Allows to associate additional information with files/folders.
  10. Zip/Unzip files and folders, "Zip and download" feature with compression "on the fly" (no temp zip files created).
  11. Full-text search, indexed search. Support of Windows Search Service. Advanced search options. Search by file/folder name, by metadata (comments and labels), by file content.
  12. Unicode support for Zip archives.
  13. Favorites. Add folders to favorites list for fast access.
  14. CloudConvert service support. Allows to convert files online from/to various formats.
  15. Trash with the possibility to restore.
  16. Recent documents.
  17. Opportunity to watch for modifications of files and folders.
  18. Version control
  19. Ability to choose default action for double click for each file type.

Office documents and WebDAV

  1. Generate preview of office documents with help of the Libre Office suite installed on the web server. Without third party services. Documents are kept in your internal network.
  2. Viewing Office documents online without special configuration and third party software installation. Supported services: Google viewer, Microsoft Office Web Applications viewer, Box viewer.
  3. Editing Office documents online in Google Drive, MS Office Online, OnlyOffice or in MS Office 365 or in Zoho.
  4. Integration with cloud storages: Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, BOX
  5. Open Office documents in desktop MS Office directly from browser (without download/upload).
  6. MSOFBA protocol support. Allows to store credentials in Microsoft Office for several days. Users will need to enter login and password only once per several days.
  7. Collaborate work in MS Office and in ONLYOFFICE
  8. Supporting desktop OpenOffice / LibreOffice
  9. Integration with Microsoft Office 365.
  10. Supporting mapping web folders and WebDAV.
  11. Supporting synchronization of HTTP Commander folder with a folder on your local computer.

Images, video and other viewers

  1. View documents in Autodesk online, in ShareCAD service.
  2. Viewing pictures online
  3. Thumbnails (in thumbnails view mode and in details panel) of image, video, audio (album cover), pdf, exe, MS Office,, epub files .
  4. Edit images online in the built in simple image editor.
  5. Online video and audio files play.
  6. View djvu and epub files in browser.

Administrative features

  1. Support of existing NTFS permissions on folders and files.
  2. Integration with Active Directory: Users, groups, home folders, password expiration reminder
  3. Support of simple authorization rules : allow/deny access to the application for certain users/groups.
  4. Access Based Enumeration (ABE) support
  5. Quotas support
  6. Comfortable Admin Panel
  7. Support of local and remote folders (UNC server paths like \\servername\folder).
  8. Configurable permission on folders for users or groups. (List, Modify, Upload, Zip, Unzip, Download, etc.)
  9. Placeholders for folder path allows to easily share folders with username/group name in folder path.
  10. Compatible with SSL (HTTPS)
  11. Events logging
  12. Configurable email notifications.
  13. Antivirus scanning support
  14. Users self-register . Account activation. Password policy and complexity settings
  15. Subadmins functionality allows to delegate some of administrative privileges to other users, independent subadmins feature allows to isolate users/groups and folders managed by different subadmins.
  16. Easy XML database and configuration file.
  17. No database installation required.
  18. Installation on-premises or on hosting.
  19. Most known browsers supported. Internet Explorer 10+, Edge, Opera 43+ (PC, Mac), Chrome 57+, Mozilla/Firefox 45+, Safari 6+.

Authentication features

  1. Windows integrated, basic authentication support.
  2. Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) support
  3. Azure Active Directory support
  4. Forms authentication support with ability to customize login page or use your own custom login page.
  5. Two Factor authentication support. DUO security and Google Authenticator supported.
  6. Forms auth version support Password policy management: password strength, password history, personal data in password.