Ultimate Uploader v1.6
Silverlight-based multiple files upload control.
Version history.
© Element-IT Software, 2009-2013. All rights reserved.
v1.6.3 (07.2013):
- Fixed issue : when a file is exactly 65536 bytes the file is uploaded in 2 chunks. Each chunk is treated as a different file.
v1.6.2 (03.2013):
- new Properties:
- MaxChunkSize
- ThumbnailResizeFormat
- ImageResizeFormat
- new events
- OnPreviewLoaded
- OnImagesResizeStart
- OnImagesResizeProgress with ProgressEventArgs
- OnImagesResizeComplete
- new methods:
- GenerateImagePreview(fileId) - force image generate
- GetImagePreview(fileId) - return image preview data encoded with base64
- Scroll to currently proceed file in list and thumbnails.
- Fixed issue with empty FileSize query string parameter.
- Fixed issue with not working BackgroundImageUrl parameter because of BackgroundLabel localization property always inited with default value.
- Support of multipart encoding in ASP.NET control.
- If the value of the ChunkMultipart property is set to false, all post field values (including values of form specified with FormName property) will be appended to query string.
- Added property PostFieldsFileIndex to set name of form field which contain index of currently uploaded file.
- Added property ProgressColumnVisible to hide progress column in files list.
- Added property SizeColumnVisible to hide size column in files list.
- Added properties to set message and title of message box displayed if file could not be read (opened by some app).
MessageCantReadFile, MessageCantReadFileTitle
- Fixed issue woth not working MaxFilesCount property
- Fixed issue with not working PauseButtonVisible property
- Fixed issue when query string parameter named 'complete' may be not set to true for last chunk , because of dynamic change of chunk size.
It may result to that uploaded file is not renamed.
- Fixed issue with resuming cancelled upload.
- Fixed issue with not applied internal check for file types.
- Fixed issue with not updated remaining time label in some of translations.
- Issue with generating images preview for png and gif images.
- Issue with setting Tag property with ASP.NEt control.
- Added several image resize modes.
- Improved performance of image resize process .
- Images preview for PNG image files.
- Improved memory usage in thumbnails view mode.
- Improved image quality of generated thumbnails and resized images.
- Added feature to load translated strings from external xml file ( LanguageFile property).
- Added ability to use text and icons for buttons at the same time.
- Confgurable button icons. Use your own for better integration with your design.
- Background image now can be rendered from String to be locilized.
- Fixed issue: when upload process paused by user on 100% of file upload progress,
then it can not be resumed again.
- FilesRemoved event not fired when file list cleared (all files removed).
- Updated Manual.
- Changed distribution package structure.
- A lot of new methods and event handlers for JavaScript API.
- Increased speed of upload process.
- Fixed issue with not inited default values for ShowBackgroundImage and BackgroundImageUrl properties.
v1.4.4 (15.04.2011)
- Changed existance behavior and dialog:
if the file is there and complete the options in dialog are "OK to Overwrite" and "Cancel" which skip file
If the file is there and not yet complete the options in dialog are "Ok to Resume" and "Cancel to Overwrite"
- Added properties to set message and title of message box displayed when file alrea exist on server and complete.
- Added new property ShowBackgroundImage indicating whether the background image should be visible in the user interface.
- Added new property BackgroundImageUrl - the url for backround image.
- Overwrite dialog is not displayed if file already exists on server and the value of the ExistenceBahavior propertiy is set to AskUser.
Displayed on for resuming broken uploads.
- Fixed issue with not working cancel button.
- Fixed issue with wrong total progress information, when uploaded files removed from list.
- Fixed issue with position of popup window.
- Fixed issue with invalid sequience of html tags generated by ASP.NET control:
The span it creates starts outside the object tag, but ends inside the tag.
- Fixed bug with Content-Type header in Chrome browser. The value of this header was set to the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' by Chrome browser.
That force ASP.NET (IIS) to check request contents and in many cases throw Exception "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client".
Now Content-Type for all POST requests is set to the "application/octet-stream".
- Fixed bug with not worked CancelUpload method when it called from UploadStarted handler.
- Fixed bug with non working file type filter when files added using drag and drop.
Futhermore, user was able to set *.* as file name in browse dialog and select any file for upload.
- Added properties to set message and title of message box displayed when user select file with wrong file type.
v1.4.3 (17.12.2010)
- Added LicenseKey property.
- Added Drag and Drop support for files.
- Added sort feature in grid view (by file name and size).
- Fixed bug when tag property is set via JavaScript and new value not applies to already selected files.
v1.4.2 (26.05.2010)
- Adding stability to network failures, now uploading does not stop at accidental errors received from server.
- User interface is modified for optimization of workspace layout.
v1.4.1 (06.03.2010)
- Fixed memory leaks during image resizing and thumbnail generation operations.
- Fixed bug when size of existing file was determined incorrectly because of request caching.
- Fixed bug when in certain cases there were text labels displayed instead of images.
- Added possibility to correctly use localization in ASP.NET control.
v1.4.0 (29.12.2009)
- All uploader properties are accessible now through JavaScript API to get and set at any moment.
- Possibility of define by a user and transfer on a server of the additional information with each file.
- Possibility to display in the user interface only one view (Grid or Thumbnails).
- Added property allowing programmatically set for uploader instance an additional information which will be transferred to a server.
- All images and all text strings in the uploader user interface are made replaceable by a customer.
- Added properties limiting maximum and a minimum quantity of files acceptable for uploading.
- Added properties getting quantity of the pending and successfully uploaded files.
- Added in base handler the event occuring at comletion of file uploading with access through event arguments to file, comments and tag.
- In the ASP.NET the control entered values are checked now on admissibility, init parametres rendering is optimized.
- Successfully uploaded files always are displayed now with the 100% indicator, including after uploading cancellation.
- In thumbnails view for non-images files the stylised picture is added.
- Documentation is revisioned, added reference on Silverlight control, help structure is improved.
- Fixed bug when a white border was rendered around control.
- Fixed bug with double folder in path at the relative handler and a non-standard base directory.
- Fixed bug when custom font was not applied for file name in Thumbnails View and upload detail window caption.
- Fixed bug when after restart of the cancelled uploading wrong common progress was displayed.
- Fixed bug of incorrect view switching buttons display at repeat click.
- Fixed bug when event of the last file upload completion fired after event of the all uploading completion.
v1.3.0 (27.10.2009)
- Added possibility to resume broken uploads at any time from point on which it has been interrupted.
- Added advanced javascript API for manage control from host web page and handle upload events.
- Added possibility to show help to user (button in the interface and customizable help page).
- New property defining template of thumbnails file naming.
- Control for Silverlight now does not require additional style definitions.
v1.2.2 (01.10.2009)
- Added possibility to specify javascript function calling at upload completion.
- Some changes in visual appearance.
v1.2.1 (28.09.2009)
- Added Thumnail View mode.
- Improved visual appearance.
- Some minor bugfixes.
v1.2.0 (15.09.2009)
- Resizing JPEG images before uploading with set size and quality of definitive images.
- Display image thumbnails and uploading thumbnails of the specified size with images.
- Added possibility to set foreground color and font of the control text elements.
v1.1.0 (31.07.2009)
- The project is moved on Silverlight 3.
- ASP.NET control has been revisited: now it does not require ASP.NET 3.5 and Silverlight Development Tools, added designer preview image and Toolbox icon.
- For each uploading the ProgressBar it is displayed now.
v1.0.0 (14.07.2009)
- Initial release.