For educational organizations
HTTP Commander is used by educational organizations for providing a remote access for students and teachers to private or their own folders. The version with Windows authentication is most often used because users have already been created in Active Directory. The version can be easily and quickly installed as there is no need to create users, modify existing NTFS permissions and shares. Right after installation the application is ready to be used and by default all users of a domain have an access to a private folder. The access to other folders can be easily set up. The application has the most popular and necessary features for educational organizations since they have been using it since 2002.
Some special features for educational organizations:
- Integration with Active Directory users.
- Windows Basic or NTLM authentication is used: there is not any extra database of users.
- Can be integrated with existing SharePoint portal or Outlook web access (OWA)
- The application supports different operating systems: PC, Linux, Mac and mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers).
- Viewing and editing Office documents online using just a browser.
- Editing documents using desktop MS Office or directly on a server (the user does not need to download or upload a file).
- Mailing with attachments for particular users or groups.
- User password changing and password expiration date reminders.
- Mapping folders to local Windows OS (WebDav)
- Integration with Microsoft OneDrive (sharing files and online editing of office documents).
- Integration with DropBox (a popular free file sharing service).
- Integration with Google Doc and Zoho (sharing and online editing of office documents, pdf, and images).
- It is possible for users to share folder/files on their own for third party anonymous access (viewing, upload, and download).