HTTP Commander downloads
We provide a 30-day trial period for HTTP Commander. During the trial period, the file manager is fully functional, without any restrictions. If you decide to purchase it later, you just need to apply the license key, no reconfiguration is required.HTTP Commander v7.6.5 最后更新: v7.6.5 (15 Oct 2024) . 更改列表
Requires Servers 2008 R2 SP1 and later, IIS7.5 and later, .NET Framework 4.7.2 or above.- Forms 身份验证 ( .ZIP压缩包进行自我安装) - 用户帐户存储 在数据库的HTTP指挥官,需要创建一个帐户为每个用户. 这个版本使用的默认Forms身份验证 (因为我们的 演示服务器上 )
- Windows 身份验证 (Windows Server 的本地用户 或Active Directory用户) ( .ZIP 昔日的自我安装) - 设计为工作与本地Windows服务器的现有用户群或 Active Directory, 以及Windows身份验证.
- 设置向导 (.EXE) - 允许您选择在安装过程中的身份验证.
Previous versions Links to previous versions of the HTTP Commander.
Security patch for HTTP Commander v5 (5.3.5 and earlier) and v7.0.0:Download patch
If you are looking for a link to some specific version, please contact us.
HTTP Commander v5.3.10 (11 Jan 2024):
Forms (ZIP), Windows (ZIP), Installer (EXE)
HTTP Commander v4.6.6 (9 Oct 2018):
Forms (ZIP), Windows (ZIP), Installer (EXE)
It works on Windows Servers 2003 and later, IIS6 and later, .NET Framework 4.0 or above
视频的安装指南对于Windows 2008/2012/2016/2019(IIS7,8或10)
- Forms身份验证
- Windows 身份验证
注意! 我们提供免费协助通过电子邮件, 通过的TeamViewer或通过远程桌面. 在通过RDP或的TeamViewer设置访问信息
安装指南 (在安装程序包也可利用, 从道 /Manual/index.html)
Archived products, old versions
ActiveXPowUpload ActiveX 文件上传者
发布日期: December 30 2011 (数字签名是有效的直到 Feb 2016)
PowUpload .NET 保存文件服務器組件
PowUpload 1.3
发布日期: February 02 2010
OfficeOpen 編輯文件在線在Microsoft Office和
发布日期: October 24 2013