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HTTP Commander 7.6.5 minor version release

  • (fix) Issue with the new notifications counter right after creation of the new subscription.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with disappearing of the "subscription" icon on the folders after modifying subscription settings.
  • (fix) When automatic account deactivate and removal is enabled with AccountDeactivateAfter / AccountDeleteAfter settings, admin accounts will not be deactivated/removed.
  • (fix) Fixed get account realm

HTTP Commander 7.6.4 minor version release

  • (new) Added ability to disable CSRF protection for upload (EnableCsrfUploadProtection option in UploadDownload section)
  • (new) Added support of openning office documents in desktop LibreOffice app directly from browser with vnd.libreoffice.command protocol prefix
  • (fix) Fixed saving of Office documents via WebDAV when certain types of files are prohibited for creation
  • (fix) Fixed positioning of icons in upload window, do not show compact mode automatically on mobile devices.

HTTP Commander 7.6.3 minor version release

  • (new) Added check of file size, modification date and name on the client side. Files with the same name, size and date automatically skipped. If there is only one page of files and no subfolders dropped for upload, check is performed on the client side in JS, otherwise files checked on the server side.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with invisible public link url field when Only short urls are used
  • (fix) Fixed issue with duplicate public link created, when its shared by email right after creation.
  • (fix) Fixed hiding of public link option from email window when password is required for public links
  • (fix) Fixed procedure of upgrading DB schema during upgrade process from old versions (4.x) to the latest.

HTTP Commander 7.6.2 minor version release

  • (new) Added setting to allow only one active session per user account. By default it is disabled and there is no limit on the number of active user sessions.
  • (new) Check upload restriction on client side before upload. Files with not allowed extensions are not added to the upload list.
  • (new) Upload window compact mode
  • (new) Preview PDF files on mobile devices. And as a result preview of office documents on mobile devices when LivreOffice viewer is configured on the server side.
  • (improvement) Optimized file list load time.
  • (improvement) Drag-and-drop tooltip zone design updated, fixed issues with positioning , added icon animation, added folder name
  • (fix) Fixed issue with check whther NTFS alt streams are supported
  • (fix) Issue with drag and drop of large folder structure for upload.
  • (fix) ADFS: end-user impersonation during upload process.
  • (fix) Open uploaded file location when folder is uploaded
  • (fix) Displaying of tooltips for tabs in details panel.
  • (fix) Fixed folder tree icons after displaying loading indicator.
  • (fix) Added missed svg icons when UseFontIcons is set to false
  • (fix) Fixed total upload progress info calculation
  • (new) Updated third party libraries

HTTP Commander 7.6.0 minor version release

  • (new) Automatic version history for files: old file version stored when file with the same name is uploaded or when file is edited. Old versions can be restored.
  • (new) Added ability to preview previous file versions.
  • (new) Added "versioning" permission for folders.
  • (new) Added expiration date for permissions on root folders.
  • (improvement) After deletion of file(s) grid is reloaded and scoll position is lost. Now grid will not be reloaded after deletion if count of items in folder is less than a page size . If count of items is more than a page size, grid will be reloaded and it will automatically scroll to the prvious element of the first removed item.
  • (improvement) Edit in MS Office menu item is available in mobile UI now. On Android devices documents can be edited and saved back transparently in native android apps (MS Word, MS Excel).
  • (improvement) Thumbnails generation: looking for cached thumbnails with different extentsions (png and jpg)
  • (improvement) For root folders file system type is checked to avoid usage of NTFS features (alternate file streams) on non-NTFS folders.
  • (fix) Issue with upload restriction list.
  • (fix) Issue with WebDAV locks when longs path support is enabled
  • (fix) Azure AD: fixed issue with wrong last access date for user in the admin panel on the Users tab.

HTTP Commander 7.5.5 minor version release

  • (new) UI: Added new setting UseLoadMaskForGridAndTree which controls whether loading is displayed or not. Changed loading gif image in thumbnails to font rotated icon. Changed loading gif in default mask to Images/ajax-loader.gif
  • (new) Now (WebDAV) locks (used when document edited via WebDAV) are stored in the DB Locks table. It allows edit Office documents via WebDAV protocol from the folder which are located on drives with non-NTFS file system.
  • (new) Added new setting to remove inactive users : AccountDeactivateAfter - The time interval in days after which the user will be automatically deactivated if he does not authorize in the application. EnableAccountActivation setting should be enabled for the correct work of this feature. User accounts are checked once in 12 hours. When account is deactivated and the value of the AccountDeactivateAfter settings is > 0, then email notification will be sent to the user with body : ServerEmailMsgUserPendingRemovalBody and subject: ServerEmailMsgUserPendingRemovalSubject .
  • (new) Admin Panel: Added quick settings window with the list of the main features. It allows quickly enable/disable main features.
  • (new) Added 'preview' permission to the folders permissions set. With help of this new permission you can allow preview files in the app, but disable downloading. And vice versa : allow downloading and disable preview.
  • (fix) Public links: Password protected public link to file with "download or view" option did not allow to view file in browser, file was always downloaded after entering password.
  • (fix) UI: In the Public link window on the advanced params tab collapse/expand icon was not displayed on some themes.
  • (fix) Removed link to file (with download option) from the details panel when download is prohbited. Allow send links to file in the main UI when download permission is disabled.

HTTP Commander 5.3.10 minor version release

EOS (end of support) for version 5.x is 31 Jan 2024.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with upload from mobile UI.

HTTP Commander 7.5.4 minor version update

  • (new) Added check common passwords option for Password Policy settings
  • (fix) Fixed issue with mapping WebDAV folders on MAC OS.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with sendinding public link by email from the "Shared by link" section
  • (fix) Fixed issue with scrollbar in folders tree when folders used space is displayed
  • (fix) Fixed issue with color of the folders used space progess bar in Firefox

HTTP Commander 7.5.3 minor version update

  • (fix) Fixed Autodesk viewer.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with activation flag for user accounts in forms version when EnableAccountActivation=False
  • (fix) Fixed issue with CloudConvert , switched to the new API
  • (improvement) Tested and updated Shibboleth authentication, added new setting ShibbolethImpersonateUsers which allows to impersonated authenticated user when web server is joined into the same domain.

HTTP Commander 7.5.2 minor version update

  • (fix) Changed algorithm of deactivation of inactive users.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with receiving search results when search is performed "everywhere" .
  • (fix) Fixed issue with rename/move files via WebDAV when Forms + Windows users authentication is used.
  • (improvement) Change UI language without re-login. Page will be automatically reloaded when new language is selected.
  • (fix) Issue with displaying results of a delayed (long-working) file list request
  • (new) Added new column : name of the user who modified a file last time. Added ability to display the same information in the details panel : ShowUserLastModifiedInDetailsPane setting. Information is taken from the DB, following actions are taken into account: create, upload, modify, edit.
  • (new) Added "Comment" event type. Now users can subscribe to receive notifications about new comments on a file/folder.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with displaying recent records on the history tab of the details pane.

HTTP Commander 7.5.1 minor version update

  • (fix) Issue with display of the folder description in case when the value of the ViewFolderDescriptionInTree setting is set to 'AboveFolderName'
  • (fix) Fixed an issue with not working email notification field in the public link window.
  • (new) Support of the Duo Universal prompt
  • (new) Added ability to display space usage for root folders. New setting names: ShowUsedSpaceForRootFoldersInTree, ShowUsedSpaceProgressForRootFoldersInTree If quota applies to the folder, it will be taken into account. For regular folders information about disk space will be returned. Information about used space will be displayed along with the folder description, accerding to the value of the ViewFolderDescriptionInTree setting.
  • (fix) Issue with displaying root folder's names in Graphite theme in Tiles view mode.
  • (fix) Material theme dark mode issue : Search window and select input fields used to have a light background.

HTTP Commander 7.5.0 minor version update

Watch short video about new features of the version 7.5 on YouTube.
  • (new) Added Personal license support
  • (new) Added Registered (when user is self-registered users or created by the admin) system event
  • (new) IP address is now logged for all events (DB, Logs tab)
  • (new) Added an option to open file/folder location after upload. On mouse over "ok" icon is replaced with the folder icon (with tooltip) and when clicked, uploaded file is selected in the containing folder.
  • (new) Added default template for all emails sent from the application. It is header - content - footer. Added email template to "notification about file older changes" email. Templates are kept in the App_Data\EmailTemplates\ folder
  • (new) Public link to file/folder remains active when file/folder is moved in the HTTP Commander.
  • (new) Expired links are kept in the list of public links for an amount of days specified in the PublicLinkKeepExpiredLinksForDaysProp setting. It allows users to prolong expired links without changing their key/id. Expired links highlighted in the list with red color and there is a special menu/toolbar command to quickly prolong expired links for 1 year from the existing expiration date . Admins allowed to prolong links of any user, regular users allowed to prolong only their own links.
  • (new) Added an option to send files as "web links" from the "Send email" window. Option available only if public links to file / folder are allowed and if password is not required. This is a really convenient way to share files/folders with external users.
  • (new) Added setting AllowNestedSubscriptions. It allows subscribe to notifications on a child files/folders even when on a parent folder notifications has been already configured. It looks more logic because user may want to configure different notification settings on a child items. Previously all nested subscribtions were removed when user configured subscribtion on a parent folder.
  • (new) File/folder history information is stored and taken from the DB starting from this version. Previously it was stored in the NTFS alternate streams and it was a little bit confusing, because users might see different event records in the "history" tab of details panel and in "watch for modifications". Added fileHistorySource setting.
  • (new) Added paging to the history tab on the details pane. With the new DB store there can be displayed a lot of records.
  • (new) "Watch for modifications" feature renamed to "Notifications"
  • (new) Added new events counter to the Alerts tree item. Count of new events calculated from the of the last view. New events counter is displayed in the folders tree and in the grid. Added ShowNewEventsCounter setting to disable this counter if required.
  • (new) Implemented office documents preview with LibreOffice office suite installed on the server side. New settings: EnableLibreOfficeViewer, LibreOfficePath,LibreOfficeArgs,LibreOfficeThumbnailArgs,LibreOfficeUseCache
  • (new) Simplified ADFS integration process. Added ADFSMetadataUrl and EnableADFS settings
  • (new) Search results in the main grid. Added new setting SearchResultsInGrid.
  • (new) Added new setting for forms auth mode only: AccountDeactivateAfter - The time interval in days after which the user will be automatically deactivated if he does not authorize in the application. EnableAccountActivation setting should be enabled for the correct work of this feature. User accounts are checked once in 12 hours. Added appropriate checkbox field to the user edit window in the admin panel, added column to the users grid.
  • (fix) Azure AD: fixed redirect to the initially requested page (for example link to file or folder) in Azure AD.
  • (new) Added 2 settings to control who can set Label fo files/folders: Added setting AllowChangeLabelOnlyForOwner . When it set to true, only user who set label initially will be able to modify it. Added new setting AllowSetLabelOnlyForFileOwner - when set to true, only file owner is allowed to set the label. File owner is taken from from NTFS permissions for Windows auth version and from metadata for forms version. Group membership is also checked. Admins (including subadmins) are allowed to set labels on any file . If owner is empty, then anyone is allowed to set the label.
  • (new) Added storage and display of Owner info for files and folders. For all types of windows auth version (Windows, FormsWithWindowsUsers, AzureAd, ADFS), owner is taken from the NTFS permissions with native method. In case if owner name is empty, it will be read from metadata as well. For forms auth and Auth0 versions owner is always read from metadata. Information about owner is stored in metadata for newly created/uploaded files and folders. Added new 'owner' column into the DisplayedDefaultColumnsInList setting.
  • (new) Quick way to disable read of all metadatas. Added ReadFileMetadata setting: Special setting to quickly disable read of all file metadata for file list. Metadata however still can be stored and displayed in the file properties window. Setting this value to false can speedup file list loading process specially for network folders. Affects Labels, Comments, Owner Downloads counting display features.
  • (new) Admin Panel: Implemented display of the "User last access" and the "Last password change" dates. Last password change date implemented for AD, WinNT, AzureAD, Forms, Forms+Windows Users. New setting: AdminPanelShowUserLastAccess
  • (change) Azzurra and Neptune themes are discontinued now. Different theme colors available in the main theme staring from version 7.
  • (new) Added feature to try to guess file type by its contents. It is used with upload restrictions and helps to detect real file type even if it was renamed. New setting: UploadRestrictionGuessByContent
  • (new) Added ability to set common upload restrictions for all folders. Previously you have to configure it for each folder. New settings: UploadRestrictionType and UploadRestrictionList
  • (new) If you migrate to AZURE AD from on premises AS, folders permissions will be kept as well.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with AdminPanelGroupsFilter setting when group name is invalid, filter won't be applied.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with error after automatic upgrade of Azure AD version.
  • (new) Forms version: added salt setting to secure stored passwords.
  • (new) Forms version: added new setting HashUserPasswordsAlgorithm. It affects only passwords for accounts which are stored in the Accounts.xml file. For other cases like public links, MSOFBA, Digest (WebDAV), MD5 is used by default
  • (change) Added download button to the QR code.
  • (change) Added UNZIP event to the lis of available events for antivirus scanning.
  • (new) Admin panel: Added tree of settings sections with search. Now it's much easier to navigate the settings.
  • (change) When search is initiated from "quick-serach" box on the to of the file list , it is perfromed only by filename. Previously it was performed by content as well.
  • (fix) Automatically update folder permissions after rename of the user/group in forms auth version.
  • (new) Redesign of the public link window. Automatic link creation at window open. Disabled browser password suggestions for password input fields. Hint for password complexity
  • (new) Added support of Cuttly and Bitly url shortener services
  • (fix) Azure AD : fixed home folder detection and impersonation for webDAV access.
  • (change) MSOFBA auth for MS Office is disabled by default.
  • (new) Implemented transparent authentication in MS Office desktop apps. Added settings: MSOfficeAutoAuth, MSOfficeAutoAuthCheckIp (true by default). When enabled , ip address will be checked and in case it does not match, MsOfficeAutoAuthFail log will be generated . It will be added to the DB one time in a minute. When ips are different , user still will be able to enter username and password.
  • (new) Azure AD SAML support
  • (new) For public links it is now possible to set password only for upload operation, while download and view operations can be performed without passsword.
  • (new) Added new setting in Public links section : ShowAllPublickLinksForAdmin. Allows administrator to see all links created by other users in the file/folder properties panel/window in the main UI. When set to true administrator will have an option to see only his own links for the file or folder or links created by all users.
  • (new) Added UploadMaxFileSize setting.
  • (new) Skipped request validation for password fields (ValidateRequestMode="Disabled")
  • (new) Added 'CreateFolder' permission
  • (fix) Fixed issue with image thumbnails caching. In some cases thumbnail was generated each time it requested, even when cached thumbnail has been already stored on the disk.
  • (change) JQuery js lib is not used anymore by HTTP Commander

HTTP Commander 7.1.1 minor version update

  • (new) Implemented support of Azure AD GCC environments.
  • (fix) AD version: In some cases groups list was being received using a wrong method (UseUniversalWayToReadGroups setting).

HTTP Commander 7.1.0 minor version update

  • (fix) Fixed issue with saving image file in image editor.
  • (improve) Google Sign-In JavaScript platform library will no longer be supported after March 31, 2023, therefore we migrated to the new Google Identity Services. This lib is used to sign in end user for file transfer between HTTP Commander and Google Drive and for "Edit in Google Docs" functionality.
    So if you use any of mentioned services in the HTTP Commander, please update HTTP Commander till March 31, 2023.
  • (fix) Fixed Content Security policy header value for the public links page
  • (fix) SameSite attribute of the OpenedLinks cookie is set to Lax by default.

HTTP Commander 5.3.9 minor version release

  • (improve) Google Sign-In JavaScript platform library will no longer be supported after March 31, 2023, therefore we migrated to the new Google Identity Services. This lib is used to sign in end user for file transfer between HTTP Commander and Google Drive and for "Edit in Google Docs" functionality.
    So if you use any of mentioned services in the HTTP Commander, please update HTTP Commander till March 31, 2023.

HTTP Commander 7.0.9 minor version update

  • (fix) Fixed restart of the app when settings are first time saved after initial installtion of the app.
  • (fix) Optimized add/update/remove of comments and metadata fields.
  • (fix) Applied Content Security Policy
  • (fix) Admin panel. Restore selection and keep scroll position after edit of folder properties.
  • (fix) Email send. Sender field now can not be edited on the client side. Sender email autmatially set with the current user email address. Also HTML markup is not allowed anymore for email body . User is still able to write custom message, but only in plain text.
  • (fix) ADFS. Implemented Session invalidation.
  • (fix) Azure AD. Fixed impersonation issues for WebDAV access.
  • (fix) Azure AD. Redirect to the initially requested page after authenctication.

HTTP Commander 7.0.8 minor version update

  • (fix) Improved sorting method for items in the file list
  • (fix) Fixed issue with AdminPanelGroupsFilter setting: when group name is invalid, filter won't be applied.
  • (new) Improvement: In Azure AD auth version after migration from AD version previously configured permissions on folders (in admin panel of the app) will be applied.
  • (new) Added AD service account used to get info from LDAP
  • (fix) Fixed issue with automatic upgrade of Azure AD integrated version.
  • (new) Updated third party libraries

HTTP Commander 7.0.7 minor version update

  • (new) Updated third party libraries
  • (fix) Improved security of the login process for the formms login page. Now the same generic message is displayed for both cases: when user does not exist and when password is wrong. This is done to prevent "user enumeration". Message color is also the same for both cases.
  • (fix) Fixed checking of special characters for WebDAV in diagnostics
  • (new) By default disabled MSOFBA for editing in MS Office, because this auth method considered to be insecure in the latest version of the MS Office (2021)
  • (fix) Fixed problem with Windows Search, when display filter with list of extensions is set on the folder (in HTTP Commander) and this list is long enought.
  • (new) Added new hidden setting "FoldersReloadInterval" with interval to automatically reload list of folders from the Folders.xml file. It can helpful when Folders.xml file is changed outside of the application.
  • (fix) Update group/user folder permissions when group/user renamed.
  • (fix) Fixed 419 error code for upload when session is timed out
  • (new) Hide from the list of root folders folder with %HOME% pattern, if homeDirectory attribute is not set for the user.
  • (fix) When search is initiated from the quick search box on the top of the main file grid, then search will be performed only by filename. Previously search was perfmed also by content. It is made to speed-up search process when integration with Windows Search Service is not configured.

Minor version update

Security update released.
How to protect ?
If you are currently on the 5.x (from 5.0.0 to 5.3.5) or 7.0.0 version, do not open Logs tab in the admin panel if you do not see the check mark symbol (✓) after the tab label. This symbol (✓) is added by the patch and informs an administrator about sucessfully applied patch.

Solution: How to fix the issues immidiately without upgrade to a new version?
We have prepaired a simple executable utility to fix the issue. Download it from here, put it into the application folder (default is c:\inetpub\htcomnet ) on the web server and execute. This utiliy performs search and replace of particular string in JS files of the admin panel.
If you do not want to execute exe file, you can edit js files manually or simply perform an upgrade to the most recent version.
Here are the steps to apply fix manually without upgrade:
  1. Open HTCOMENT/Scripts/admin/[used-theme-name]/app.js file in a text editor. Where [used-theme-name] is the name of the theme specified in the StyleThemeName setting ('triton' by default for 5.x version and 'main' for version 7 ).
  2. Search for the "{more_info}"
  3. and replace it with the "{more_info:htmlEncode}"
  4. Save the file.

Fixed versions of the HTTP Commander:

MS Windows KB5007192 brakes deleagtion

"Folder does not exist" error message is displayed after installition of the KB5007192 (Nov 2021 security update) on the DC when users tryies to access network folder from the HTTP Commander in case if delegation is required for this . Affected auth types: Windows integrated, ADFS, Azure AD.

If HTTP Commander worked fine and suddenly started to fail load network folder, then most probably it is related to the KB5007192.
Here is list patches for different Windows OS versions to fix this issue (Authentication fails on domain controllers in certain Kerberos scenarios on Windows Server):

HTTP Commander v 7.0.0 release

  • (new) Added Authorization Rules settings. They can be used to esiesy allow/deny access for users/groups.
  • (new) Added Zip and download on the fly. No more temp files on your server!
    Also Zip/Unzip settings moved to the Zip section on the settings tab.
  • (new) Added password history for password policy settings.
  • (new) New mobile UI. It is based on the desktop UI, therefore the functionality is almost the same.
  • (new) Added new font icons.
  • (new) Default set of items on toolbar is changed. No it looks much more user friendly.
  • (new) Added setting to set color for font icons.
  • (new) JS Image editor library is replaced.
  • (new) Add/Remove to/from Favorites now much easier : can be done right from the context menu or with the special icon on the file/folder.
  • (new) New User Settings toolbar item.
  • (fix) New Dropbox JS SDK used
  • (new) Added ZipAESKeySize option for ZIP-archive with password protection
  • (new) Single quick search field is used:search is performed by name or by content (if enabled)
  • (new) Added server side filtering for the logs in the Admin panel on the logs tab and for the "Watch for modifications" window in the main UI.
    It allows to select only needed data from the logs and export them if required.
  • (new) Added new FoldersXmlPath setting to specify path to the XML file with folders list (Folders.xml).
    If value is empty (by default), then path from the 'DataFolderPath' setting and default name 'Folders.xml' will be used.
  • (new) Added view of active sessions in the Admin Panel ("Active sessions" tab).
  • (new) Added %DISPLAYNAME%, %SIMPLEUSERNAME% placeholders for folder path.
  • (new) Added separate settings for Public Links Password Policy.
  • (new) Skipped logout event logging for anonymous users
  • (new) Added setting to disable "Zip and Download" completely for all folders
  • (new) Renamed DefaultDomainName setting to the ExternalAppUrl
  • (new) Added new parameter MSOFBACookieExpirationDays to configure the authorization lifetime when editing in MS Office when using the MSOFBA Protocol
  • (fix) Fixed thumbnails generation for PDF files in thumbnails view mode.
  • (fix) Checked and updated the list of video playback files (mp4, mov, ogg, webm, 3gp, mkv, ogv, avi)
  • (fix) Removed default Client ID/Secret for Box. Now you need to configure your Box app yourself.
  • (new) Updated third party libraries
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.3.5 release

  • (fix) Fixed several medium and low risk security vulnerabilities including reported by the SySS GmbH (
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v7.0. is coming soon!

The next major version release is coming soon. It will have version number 7.0. We decided to skip version number 6 to avoid mess with an old branch of the HTTP Commander that was ended in 2010 exactly with the version number 6.

HTTP Commander v 5.3.4 release

  • (fix) Fixed work of Dropbox integration. Replaced JS SDK Url.
    To fix the issue without update, you will need to edit app.js file in a text editor. Here are the steps:
    1. Open HTCOMENT/Scripts/main/[used-theme-name]/app.js file in a text editor. Where [used-theme-name] is the name of the theme specified at the StyleThemeName setting (triton by default for 5.x version).
    2. Search for the ""
    3. and replace it with the ""
    4. Save the file.
  • (fix) AdminPanelGroupsFilter setting now applies also when Azure AD integration is used.
  • (new) Optimized work with Azure AD groups/users in the Admin panel.
  • (new) Added new placeholders for folder path : DISPLAYNAME, SIMPLEUSERNAME
    USERNAME placeholder will be always resolved to the username.
    DISPLAYNAME will be resolved to the display name if possible and fallback to the username.
    SIMPLEUSERNAME - will be resolved to the username without domain name prefix\postfix.
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.3.3 release

  • (fix) Fixed search when used combined mode "Standard search after Windows Search Services"
  • (fix) Fixed upload (chunked) of files with size > 4MB to Office 365
  • (fix) Fixed max upload size for OneDrive (added new options OneDriveUploadMaxSizeKb and OneDriveUploadChunkSizeKb)
  • (fix) Fixed retrieve of users Home Folder from AD when "Forms auth with Windows users" authentication mode is used.
  • (fix) Fixed possible overwrite of documents when they are edited in the Office 365.
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.3.0 release

  • (fix) Fixed an issue with the authentication popup dialog dislayed on the piblic link page when Windows authentication is used. (the problem appeared in the 5.2.5 version).
  • (new) New setting: DisableSenderEmailField. If it set to true and current user has a correct email in the profile, then sender email fieldbox in the "Send email" window will be disabled (preventing user to change sender email).
  • (new) The address book window now displays more user-friendly usernames instead of distinguished usernames.
  • (fix) Improved compliance with the WCAG 2.1 standard.
  • (fix) Now different scopes are used for "Edit in Google Docs" and "Upload/Download to/from Google docs" operations. In the first case, fewer permissions will be required, and there will be no warnings that the web application has not been verified by Google.
  • (fix) Fixed OneDrive integration in the mobile UI : corrected url to the sdk js library.
  • (fix) Fixed thumbnails view layout in the mobile ui.
  • (new) Updated third party libraries
  • (fix) Additional check of the LdapContainer setting vallue to replace backslashes (\) with slashes (/) .
  • (fix) Keep correct "impersonation" settings during automatic upgrade.
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.2.5 release

  • (fix) Fixed issue with reuse of forms auth cookies after logout.
  • (fix) Now restored web.config settings for the PublicLinkUrlPathName location during upgrade
  • (fix) Fixed change password from Default.aspx when "Forms auth with Windows users" auth mode is used
  • (new) Removed output of sensitive information from AnonymousDownload.ashx when it loaded without any parameters
  • (new) Updated third party libraries
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.2.3 release

  • (fix) Fixed work with Autodesk Viewer. Now you need to get your Client ID and Secret to work
  • (fix) Windows auth version: fixed thumbnails generation for video files and antivirus scanning.
  • (new) Updated third party libraries
  • (new) Added setting FixResolveRealm or Acive Directory integration. By default it set to false. Set it to true if you have issues with getting Home drive from AD profile, or when you have Domain Forest.
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.2.2 release

  • (new) Zip content window. Now you can open for preview files directly from the zip archive without having to unzip the file first.
  • (new) Forms auth with Windows users. Correct behavior when authorization settings are used in the web.config file to restrict access to the application.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with password protected public links. Password was not accepted, therefore users could not get access to the publicy shared files/folder. Issue is introduced by the 5.2.1 version.
    To fix the issue without update, you will need to edit web.config file in a text editor. Here are the steps:
    1. Open HTCOMENT/web.config file in a text editor.
    2. Search for the <appSettings> tag
    3. Put into this tag the following code:
      <add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="false"/>
    4. Save the file.
  • (fix) Azure AD auth. If UPN claim is missed, administrator rights assignment does not work as expected.
  • (fix) Fixed load of Users tab for first time, when this tab is first in the tabs list (when sub-admin open admin panel).
  • (fix) Fixed getting groups membership from Claims when Azure AD auth is used. Names of groups are loaded from Azure AD with additional request.
  • (fix) Fixed slow render of User groups membership window in admin panel when there are a lot of groups. The same for groups window.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with getting more than 100 groups/users from Azure AD.
  • (fix) Fixed Auth0 integration for newly created Auth0 accounts. Updated Auth0 integration instructions.
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.2.1 release

  • (new) Added Azure AD Authentication support.
  • (new) Added JavaScript based image editor.
  • (new) Added ability to export logs to XLSX file. Feature available for logs tab in admin panel and for "Watch for modifications" grid in main UI.
  • (new) Added setting to limit maximum file size allowed for download.
  • (new) Added Password Policy/Complexity settings for Forms auth version.
  • (new) Changed the password change scheme, added PasswordChanged log event.
  • (new) Added setting RetainLastModificationDate with default TRUE value. File last modification date will be restored on server side after upload or webDAV PropPatch request (if possible).
  • (new) Added AdminPanelGroupsFilter setting to filter groups in AdminPanel. Allow to load users only from specified groups.
  • (new) Added feature to force refresh of users/groups in admin panel (load them from Domain and not from cache) by click on the "refresh" button.
  • (new) Optimized load seed for the full list of users and groups in the admin panel. It allow to speed up to 15 times.
  • (new) Add support of "User must change password on the next logon" feature to AD version. If user able to login into application, password change window will be displayed right after logon.
  • (new) Now upload window is closed (cloud and from computer) after successful upload.
  • (new) File size is logged for more log events.
  • (update) Updated third party libraries: SQLite to 1.0.112, BoxV2 API to 3.21.0, ACE Code Editor to 1.4.7, LightGallery to 1.6.12, Auth0 LockJs to 11.18.1, Microsoft.Graph to 1.20.0, Google APIs to 1.43.0
  • (fix) Fixed timeout for DropBox and Box clouds for large files.
  • (fix) Implemented chunked download from One Drive. Avoided timeout for large files.
  • (fix) Dropped support Abode Crative Cloud Image Editor
  • (fix) Fixed view in Autodesk
  • (fix) Excluded from viewing (for download) OneNote files for OneDrive / Office 365
  • (fix) Fixed paging on Anonymous links tab in admin panel.
  • (fix) Fixed small issue with get properties (for Details Pane) and thumbnails for files when enabled long path support
Check full changelog.

JavaPowUpload certificate update

Signature of jar files signed with old code sign certificate(valid up to 20 Nov 2019), became invalid because of revoked (expired) timestamp certificate. For those who still uses JavaPowUpload in production, we signed JAR files of JavaPowUpload java applet with fresh code sign certificate and timestamp server certificate is valid for next 10 years. We hope that this is final signature of JavaPowUpload and you would need to update it anymore.

HTTP Commander v 5.0.5 release

  • (fix) Fixed issue with automatic conversion of Links.xml (public links) into SQLite database during upgrade from 3.x to 5.x version.
  • (update) Updated (documentaiton) instuctions of integration with OneDrive/Office365 .
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.0.4 release

  • (fix) Fixed broken integration with OneDrive, Office 365. Updated url to Javascript SDK for OneDrive/Office365 (added new parameter MsGraphJsSdkUrl in Office section)
    To fix the issue without update, you will need to edit app.js file in a text editor. Here are the steps:
    1. Open HTCOMENT/Scripts/main/[used-theme-name]/app.js file in a text editor. Where [used-theme-name] is the name of the theme specified at the StyleThemeName setting (triton by default for 5.x version).
    2. Search for the ""
    3. and replace it with the ""
    4. Save the file.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with automatic conversion of Links.xml (public links) into SQLite database during upgrade from 3.x to 5.x version.
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.0.3 release

  • (new) Added the ability to specify a friendly URL path for public links (parameter PublicLinkUrlPathName) Now you will see more user friendly link. Like instead of /Handlers/AnonymousDownload.ashx
  • (new) Updated third party libraries: ExtJs to 6.7.0, Auth0 API to 5.11.0, BoxV2 API to 3.12.0, Microsoft Graph APIs to 1.13.0, Google APIs to 1.38.0, Newtonsoft.Json to 12.0.1, ACE Code Editor to 1.4.2, Auth0 LockJs to 11.12.1, Dropbox API to 4.9.3, Autodesk to 1.5.1
  • (fix) Fixed getting user display name for UI, Description
  • (fix) Fixed detection of user groups membership in the Windows version
  • (fix) Fixed checks for DomainName parameter
  • (fix) Fixed ignored relative folder path on chunked upload
  • (fix) Fixed path value for AntivirusScannerPath property
  • (fix) Fixed editing images in Pixlr and Adobe Creative Cloud (Aviary)
  • (fix) Fixed column filtes for Logs tab in Admin Panel
  • (fix) Fixed non-clickable leaf checkboxes in cloud storages upload/download windows
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.0.2 release

  • (new) Added the ability to show the 'Alerts' tab in the Details Panel at the right side (hidden setting 'HowToDisplayAlertsTabOnDetailsPane' in the UI section)
  • (new) Replaced 'Unknown file type' to '<EXTENSION_UPPER_CASE> File' for 'Type' column in file list
  • (new) Added protection against the file corruption when saving Accounts, Folders, etc..
  • (new) Added possibility to display the root folder description on the Details Pane at the right side
  • (new) Added new parameter 'ViewFolderDescriptionInTree' to configure the place of the description of the folder in the tree (Above/Below the folder name or only in the tooltip)
  • (new) Updated FileTypes.xml: added 3gp, 3g2 file types
  • (new) Updated third party libraries: Dropbox API to 4.9.2, Google APIs to 1.36.1, Microsoft.Graph API library for OneDrive to 1.12.0, BouncyCastle.Crypto to 1.8.4 (see Manual/Update.html)
  • (fix) Fixed display 'combox' field for the list of folders in the folder properties window (in Admin Panel) if the AllowedFoldersPaths and ListAllowedFoldersPaths parameters are configured
  • (fix) Fixed deletion of files from the Cloud Disk after editing them (OneDrive, Office365, Google Drive)
  • (fix) Fixed behavior when EnableOffice365Editor=true and EnableMsOfficeOnlineEditor=false
  • (fix) Fixed impersonation when flow across asynchronous points for cloud handlers (OneDrive, Dropbox, Box)
  • (fix) Fixed empty subfolders in mapped WebDAV root folder if enabled AnonymousEditingOffice
  • (fix) Fixed getting the list of folders for a drive letter if the AllowedFoldersPaths is specified and long path support is enabled (EnableSupportLongPaths=true)
  • (fix) Fixed Google TFA login in Mobile Applications
  • (fix) Fixed display field with quick search by content if disabled search by content
  • (fix) Fixed remove users/groups from tables in Admin Permissions tab
Check full changelog.

Web site design/layout update

We updated the design of our website. Now it has a responsive layout and looks good on mobile devices and on desktop computers as well.

HTTP Commander v 5.0.1 release

  • (new) Added opening of ZIP archives by double-clicking ('Zip Content')
  • (new) Added X-Forwarded-For header check for IP address detection (for login events)
  • (new) Added validation for parameters with HTML markup (LogoHeaderHtml, WelcomeWindowMessage, etc..)
  • (new) Added hidden parameter EnableDragNDrop (in UI section) to enable (by default) or disable drag'n'drop support of copy/move operations (etc.) between folders in the list/tree
  • (new) Updated third party libraries: SQLite to, Google APIs to 1.35.2, Poppler to 0.68 (for PDF thumbnails), Autodesk.Forge to 1.4.0, RestSharp to 106.4.2 (see Manual/Update.html)
  • (fix) Fixed view thumbnails for EPUB files
  • (fix) Fixed save advanced properties in Details Pane
  • (fix) Fixed create/navigate shortcuts (.lnk) if enabled long path support
  • (fix) Fixed view comments, labels on public file/folder page. Fixed view dates for comments, labels, details in main UI
  • (fix) Fixed crash on start a second ASP.NET application on the same pool if enabled long path support (EnableSupportLongPaths parameter in Main section).
  • (fix) Fixed view Flash Movies (.swf files) in Chrome and Safari browsers
  • (fix) Fixed view legend in Public link window (and other) for Safari 11+
  • (fix) Added support drag'n'drop upload folders for Safari 11.1+
  • (fix) Fixed visiblility of the 'Folders' button on the toolbar if the Tree with folders is disabled (TreeView=Disabled)
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 4.6.6 release

  • (fix) Fixed automatic upgrade to the new version (5+)
  • (fix) Fix Javascript error on first open Details window
  • (fix) Fixed Shibboleth Module for v3
  • Updated Dropbox API library to 4.9.0, SQLite SDK to, LightGallery to 1.6.11, ACE Code Editor to 1.4.1, Poppler to 0.68 (for PDF thumbnails)
Check full changelog.

HTTP Commander v 5.0.0 release

  • We moved from outdated ExtJS 3.x framework to latest ExtJS 6.x with better support of modern browsers and their features.
  • Client side UI re-written from scratch. We kept main UI concepts untouched, so users would not need to get used to new UI.
    At the same time we improved and optimized a lot of features and UI parts:
    1. We simplified Upload window. Now user should not choose between different types of uploaders, HTTP Commander will automatically use best upload method available for current browser. Flash, Java and Silverlight uploaders are removed as outdated and unsupported by most of the browsers.
    2. File properties window now contain tabs with all related data to file/folder : Comments, History, Public Links, etc
    3. Public link window have UI with tabs.
    4. New themes
    5. And more
  • Migrated to .NET Framework 4.7.2, dropped support Windows 2003, 2008 (not R2), Vista, IE 10 and below.
    Now system requirements are: Server 2008 R2 SP1 and later, IIS7.5 and later, .NET Framework 4.7.2 or above.
  • (new) Added experimental support for long paths (see advanced parameter EnableSupportLongPaths in Main section)
  • Google URL shortening service is retired. Now we use Firebase Dynamic Links.
  • (fix) Dropped support Version Control feature (check-in, check-out)
  • (new) Migrated to new Microsoft.Graph API (for upload/download/edit in OneDrive and Office 365 (OneDrive for Business))
  • (new) Migrated to Google Drive API v3 (for upload/download/edit in Google Drive)
  • (new) Updated third party libraries: SQLite SDK to, Dropbox.Api to 4.9.0, Box.V2 to 3.9.3, Auth0 APIs to 5.10.0, Trinet.Core.IO.Ntfs to 4.1.1, WindowsAPICodePack to, Autodesk Forge to 1.3.0, ACE Code Editor to 1.4.1 and LightGallery to 1.6.11
  • (new) Added Google Authenticator as Two Factor auth provider.
  • (new) Added LoginAttempt event for logging (see Main/LogEvents parameter)
  • (new) On send emails added real sender for "Reply"
  • (fix) Fixed keep Auth0 groups when pool recycled
  • (fix) Fixed Shibboleth Module for v3
  • (new) Migrated Google Analytics ga script to analytics script (parameters GoogleAnalyticsWebPropertyID and GoogleAnalyticsLoginUsersDimensionIndex)
  • (fix) Fixed auto-upgrade to feature versions

HTTP Commander v 4.6.5 release

  • Fixed security issue of the WebDAV library.
    To apply fix without upgrade perform following steps:
    1. Download zip archive with fixed library for appropriate build of HTTP Commander: for versions 3.0-4.5.3, for versions 4.5.3-4.6.3
    2. Open IIS management console, navigate to application pools section and stop the application pool of the HTTP Commander applicaiton.
    3. Make backup copy of the /bin folder of the HTTP Commander.
    4. Copy dll files from the downloaded zip archive into /bin folder of HTTP Commander.
    5. Start application pool.
  • (fix) Migrated from Google URL Shortener to Google Firebase Dynamic Links for create short links for public links.
  • (fix) Fixed saving the document after editing in Microsoft Office 365.
  • (fix) Fixed issue with resolve of DNS/NetBios domain and user/group names. This issue caused in soem cases problems with getting info (user home folder, groups) from AD.
  • (fix) Fixed availability of context menu items when DoubleClickAction='Select'.
  • (fix) Improved performance.
  • (fix) Fixed refresh file list after close LightGallery.
  • (fix) The menu items for creating new documents in cloud services are hidden if the folder does not have the download permissions.
  • (fix) Fixed issues with auto-upgrade to feature versions (5+).
    Version 4.6.5 or later should used to perform automatic upgrade to version 5.0 from admin panel.
  • (new) The use of the template %USERNAME_SUBSTRN_L% (and %GROUPNAME_SUBSTRN_L%) is extended to use the substring to the end of the name.
  • (fix) Ready to use the .NET Framework 4.5 and above (httpRuntime/targetFramework in Web.config file).
  • (new) Updated third party libraries: Dropbox.Api to 4.8.0, Newtonsoft.Json to 11.0.2, SQLite to 1.0.108, Trinet.Core.IO.Ntfs to 4.1.1, ACE Code Editor to 1.3.3 and LightGallery to 1.6.10.

Check all changes in the changelog.


HTTP Commander v 4.6.3 release

Fixed issue with not working DropBox integration. To fix this issue without upgrade perform following steps:
  • Open /scripts/main.js and /Scripts/mobile/st2/app.js file in a text editor.
  • Search for new Dropbox(
  • Replace it with new Dropbox.Dropbox(
  • Save both files.

Other changes:

  • (fix) Fixed display of the user name in the log list for the 'Login' event
  • (fix) Fixed issue with not working option "Nothing" for DoubleClickAction setting
  • (fix) Fixed issue with "download all" button in Downlopad Window in IE when folder selected for download.
  • (new) For Standard Seach by metadata (details), a search is also added for the fields specified in DetailsFields
  • (fix) Fixed issue with data.db SQLite with UNC path (if DataFolderPath is of the form \\network\share)
  • (update) Updated code sign certificate, Java applets signed with new code sign certificate.
  • Other minor changes

Check all changes in the changelog.


JavaPowUpload certificate updated

JavaPowUpload *.jar files are signed with new code sign certificate. Timestamping was used to sign *.jar files. With timestamp applet should be valid (launched by JRE) even after code sign certificate is expired.

Download .


HTTP Commander v 4.6.2 release

  • (fix) Fixed issue ("LiveConnect session not created" error message) with OneDrive integration (Live SDK API) for newly registered users in Microsoft Dev Console. Appropriate section of the docummentation (Manual/CloudsStorages.html#onedrive) is updated
  • (fix) Fixed public link expire date increased on each save
  • (fix) Fixed incorrect date format in public link email template and public link page
  • (new) Added new actions for double click: show public link window or show window and automatically create new public link

Check all changes in the changelog.


Android 8 (Oreo) HTTP Commander fix

Starting from Android 8 (Oreo), User-Agent string of Chrome browser was changed.
This change breaks the mobile UI of HTTP Commander.
We did fixed this issue in the latest release (4.6.1)  of HTTP Commander (10.10.2017). You can download it from the downloads page.

Below are the steps to fix the problem in earlier versions of HTTP Commander:
1. Navigate to the HTCOMENT/Scripts/mobile/st2/ folder
2. Make a backup copy of app.js file.
3. Open app.js file in a text editor
4. Search for 
5. and replace with 
6. Save app.js file, clear browser cache and test on mobile device.

HTTP Commander v 4.6.1 release

Integration with Auth0 service.
Integration with OnlyOffice (edit office documents).
Preview of thumbnails for video, office, pdf, exe and epub files.
New image viewer.
View Djvu and Epub files in browser.
Ability for users to select default action for double click on each file type.
Check all changes in the changelog.

HTTP Commander v 4.5.2 release

Fixed issue with upload from cloud storages (Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Office365) to the HTTP Commander folder (only when it was added to the HTTP Commander as a network folder).

JavaPowUpload Java 8 u131 security fix

- JavaPowUpload *.jar files are re-signed with stronger sign algorithm to make JPU compatible with Java 8u131. Download fixed build.

JDK 1.8 u131 release introduces a new restriction on how MD5 signed JAR files are verified. If the signed JAR file uses MD5, signature verification operations will ignore the signature and treat the JAR as if it were unsigned. 

Therefore all JavaPowUpload releases signed before April 2017 would not work anymore with Java release 8u131 and later.


HTTP Commander v 4.5.1 release

Added the ability to upload files over 2GB on the Drag'N'Drop uploader tab Added support for uploading folders in Firefox 45+ on the 'Standrad' tab. Bug fixes. Check all changes in changelog.

HTTP Commander v 4.5.0 release

Details pane, Trash, Recents, Watch for modifications, Indexed search and full-text search, logs in SQLite database, two factor authentication and many other new features! Check them all in changelog.

HTTP Commander v 4.0.8 release

Added possibility to upload folders structure (include empty folders) in 'Drag and Drop' upload tab for Chomium based browsers. Added recover user name via email in Forms version. Check all changes in changelog.

HTTP Commander v 4.0 release

Added new themes with more modern look and feel. Edit office documents in online services: Google Drive / MS Office Online / MS Office365. Support of MSOFBA(Office Form Based Authentication) protocol. Labels and comments for files/folders and many other new features! Check them all in changelog.

HTTP Commander v 3.2.0 Java applets certificate update

Java applets used in HTTP Commander for file upload/download and to launch MS Office/OpenOffice now has new 256bit code sign certificate up to December 2017. Updated files stored in Uploaders\ folder.

JavaPowUpload signed with new certificate up to December 2017

JavaPowUpload now has new 256bit code sign certificate up to December 2017

HTTP Commander v 3.2.0 release

HTTP Commander 3.2.0 minor update.
See changelog

HTTP Commander v 3.1.16 release

HTTP Commander 3.1.16 minor update.
See changelog

HTTP Commander v 3.1.15 release

HTTP Commander 3.1.15 minor update.
See changelog

HTTP Commander v 3.1.8 release

HTTP Commander 3.1.8 minor update.
See changelog

Note! HTTP Commander v1.7 - 2.x ADBlock BUG FIX

Note! HTTP Commander versions 1.7 .. 2.0.11 won't work in Chrome browser with ADBlock extention installed (popular ad blocker).
It is easy to fix issue with AdBlock extension:
1. You should rename /Scripts/ext-adv.js file to different name . For example to /Scripts/ext-mod.js
2. Open file "Default.aspx" in NotePad or any text editor and replace "<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/ext-adv.js">" with the "<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/ext-mod.js">" . Then save file.
3. Do the same at the "AdminPanel.aspx" if your admins also using ADBlock extention.
HTTP Commander starting version 3.x has this problem fixed.

MultiPowUpload 3.4.5 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.4.5 released.
See list of all features and changes in change log

JavaPowUpload v2.2.4 release

JavaPowUpload 2.2.4 minor update. Note! Strongly recommended for upgrade. New certificate up to 2016 and latest Java security update support:
All pre v2.2.3 applets are required to set the "Permissions" attribute within the Manifest. Therefore you should update your copy of JavaPowUpload to make it work with latest version of Java.
Latest version for those who uses 2.2.x version:

And updated 2.0.7 version for those who still on 2.0.x version :

See all changes at changelog file.

HTTP Commander v 2.0.10 release

HTTP Commander 2.0.10 minor update.
See changelog

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6.3 minor release

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6.3 minor release.
See list of all features and changes in change log

MultiPowUpload 3.4.3 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.4.3 released.
See list of all features and changes in change log

HTTP Commander v 2.0.5 release

HTTP Commander 2.0.5 minor update.
See changelog

HTTP Commander v 2.0.4 release

HTTP Commander 2.0.4 minor update.
See changelog

MultiPowUpload 3.4.2 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.4.2 released.
See list of all features and changes in change log

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6.2 minor release

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6.2 minor release.
See list of all features and changes in change log

JavaPowUpload 2.2.2 minor release

JavaPowUpload 2.2.2 minor update. Latest Java security update support.
See all changes at changelog file.

HTTP Commander v 2.0.3 release

HTTP Commander 2.0.3 minor update.
See changelog

JavaPowUpload 2.2.1 minor release

JavaPowUpload 2.2.1 minor update.
See changelog file.

HTTP Commander v 2.0.1 release

HTTP Commander 2.0.1 new MAJOR version release.
See changelog

JavaPowUpload 2.1.1 minor release

JavaPowUpload 2.1 minor update.
See changelog file.

MultiPowUpload 3.4 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.4 released.
See list of all features and changes in change log

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6.1 minor release

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6.1 minor release.
See list of all features and changes in change log

HTTP Commander 1.7 now supports integration with SharePoint and OWA

Web file manager HTTP Commander now can be integrated with SharePoint and OWA (Outlook web access). Examples of integration added to Manual. Also examples of SSO (Single sign-on) and Forms authentication for Active Directory users added to FAQ. Note! Application was not modifed.

HTTP Commander v 1.7 release

HTTP Commander 1.7 minor release.
See changelog

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6 minor release

Ultimate Uploader v 1.6 minor release.
See list of all features and changes in change log

MultiPowUpload 3.3.3 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.3.3 released.
See list of all features and changes in change log

ActiveXPowUpload 1.2 new digital code signature

Strongly recommended for upgrade: Digital code signature renewed up to 2014

JavaPowUpload 2.1 minor release (New digital code signature)

JavaPowUpload 2.1 minor update.
Strongly recommended for upgrade! New digital code signature (up to 2014 year) See changelog.html file.

Web site update

New web site design.

HTTP Commander v 1.6.2 release

HTTP Commander 1.6.2 minor release.
Some of most important changes:
  • Integration with SkyDrive (Microsoft Live) - allows users to uplod/download documents and then edit via Microsoft Web Apps (Online Office). Desktop MS Office also allows to upload/download/edit documents at the SkyDrive accounts.
  • Multiple images preview with slideshow
  • Multiple download to DropBox

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed: Corruption of files if online editing used (Application added some wrong symbols to the end of file if modified file is less then original. MS Office can restore such files. After editing the document in version 1.6.2 file will be corrected also.)
  • Fixed: If admin adds few groups with default permissions once then only one group is added.
  • Google Doc viewer now supports DOCX format.

Ultimate Uploader v 1.5 minor release

Ultimate Uploader v 1.5 minor release.
- A lot of new methods and event handlers for JavaScript API.
- Increased speed of upload process.
- Fixed issue with not inited default values for ShowBackgroundImage and BackgroundImageUrl properties.
See changes at history.txt file .

HTTP Commander v 1.6.1 release

HTTP Commander 1.6.1 minor release.
Some of most important changes:
  • Integration for Novell EDirectory
  • Public links to files and folders (Users can share own files/folders without authentication needed)
  • Bulk mail sending. Now users can send email to whole groups.
See list of all features in change log

HTTP Commander v 1.6 release

HTTP Commander minor release.
Some of most important changes:
  • Web interface to set applications settings
  • Files version control
  • View office files in Mobile version via Google Docs and Zoho
See list of all features in change log

MultiPowUpload 3.3 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.3 released. Main changes:
Now includes universal uploader:
  • HTML 5 drag-n-drop upload
  • Flash uploader
  • Silverlight uploader
  • Classic uploader (Form based)
See list of all features and changes in change log

HTTP Commander v 1.5.1 minor release

HTTP Commander minor release with many new features. Free update for existing v.AJS 1.x customers.
Some of most important changes:
  • Works in latest IE 9, FireFox 4 and Chrome 10 browsers.
  • Mobile version (for Smartphones and touchpads)
  • WebDav access (folder mapping to local OS)
  • Integration with MS Office,
  • Integration with Google Docs, Zoho docs,
  • Email notifications, send email features
  • Logs, thumbnails view feature
See list of all features in change log

Special offer for File Uploaders. 3 products for price of one.

Special offer in April-May 2011. With purchasing Enterprise license of any File Upload control: MultiPowUpload, JavaPowUpload or Ultimate Uploader you also got licenses for 2 other products (Enterprise licenses without source code).

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.4 minor release

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.4 minor release. Known bugs fixed. See changes at history.txt file .

MultiPowUpload 3.2 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.2 released. Main changes:
  • Added support of BMP image format. Now MultiPowUpload can read images encoded in BMP format and also it can generate thumbnails encoded in BMP format. Set the value of the thumbnail.format paramneter to "BMP" to generate thumbnails in BMP format
  • Increased speed of thumnails generation process (in preview).
  • Added ability set custom icons (in thumbnails view) to different file types
  • Added feature of automatic scroll to the item which is currently processed (thumbnail generation, thumbnail upload or upload process started).
  • Some bugs fixed
See all changes in changelog

JavaPowUpload 2.0.6 minor update

JavaPowUpload 2.0.6 minor update.
Some issues fixed. Tested in latest IE 9, FireFox 4, Chrome 10
See changelog.html file.

OfficeOpen control for and online editing in Microsoft Office and (WEBDAV) released

OfficeOpen v 1.0 released. OfficeOpen control is a multipurpose web based control that automatically opens and gives the possibility to edit documents on-line in desktop applications Microsoft office and free OfficeOpen control supports built-in function of Microsoft office and to edit and create documents online (WEBDAV).

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.3 with drag and drop feature has been released

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.3 has been released. Most requested feature added: "Files drag and drop".
Now it has license key for registered version. Existing customers can request key via email. Please see changes at history.txt file .

JavaPowUpload 2.0.5 minor update

JavaPowUpload 2.0.5 minor update.
Main feature added: Automatic detection of user language and loading of corresponding translation file. The distribution package contains 30+ translation files (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and other).
See changelog.html file.

MultiPowUpload 3.1 minor release

MultiPowUpload v 3.1 released. Main changes:
  • Multilingual interface now includes 30+ languages
  • Fixed for correct work at latest browsers: Internet Explorer 9 beta, Firefox 4 beta, Android 2.2 (Google mobile OS)
  • Auto resize and auto layout for UI elements (depending on language selected and labels length)
See all changes in changelog

HTTP Commander Major update

HTTP Commander major update. Full rebuilt. Now application is 100% AJAX and JavaScript. Version called AJS 1.0. See change log

MultiPowUpload v 3.0 released

MultiPowUpload v 3.0 released. Main changes:
  • Theme and skin support.
  • New user interface.
  • New thumbnails generation modes.
  • Build-in thumbnails preview.
  • New upload mode - chunked. This mode provide resumable upload functionality and hasn't known Adobe Flash cookie bug.
  • A lot of new parameters and methods.

JavaPowUpload 2.0.3 minor update

JavaPowUpload 2.0.3 minor update.
Main feature added: Chunk upload (Allow resumable and very large file upload)
See changelog.html file.

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.2 has been released

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.2 has been released. Please see changes at history.txt file .

ActiveXPowUpload 1.2 released (now 32 and 64 bit!)

ActiveXPowUpload 1.2 released. See changelog.html file.
Main changes:
1. Now both 32 and 64 bit versions available.
2. Graphic Icons and some minor features added.
3. Some bugs fixed.

Web file manager HTTP Commander minor update

HTTP Commander minor update. Bug fixed: Error while download of files with some regional specific symbols. See change log

ASP.NET file manager HTTP Commander tested at latest IIS and 64-bit OS.

Latest HTTP Commander works success at IIS 7, 7.5 and Windows 2003 and 2008 64-bit. Documentation updated.

JavaPowUpload 2.0 released

After 2 years since we have JavaPowUpload version 2.0 released. Main changes:
1. Latest version 1.2.x changed to 2.0.
2. New serial key format.
Existing customers can upgrade with discount or crossgrade 1.x license at our website
3. Some bugs at 2.0 version was fixed. See changelog.html file.

HTTP Commander minor update

HTTP Commander minor update. 2 bugs fixed. See change log

JavaPowUpload 1.2.1 released

JavaPowUpload 1.2.1 released. See changelog.html file.

ASP.NET web file manager HTTP Commander minor update

HTTP Commander minor update. Few bugs fixed, changes at licensing and documentation. See change log

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.1 has been released

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4.1 has been released. Please see changes at history.txt file .

HTTP Commander documentation updated

HTTP Commander documentation updated. Also now default web.config is IIS 7 compatible.

License types changed for JavaPowUpload file upload applet

We changed license types for JavaPowUpload product and made types depending of domain (like most our competitors offers). Now price is 50% less but license for Upload and Download features is different.

JavaPowUpload 1.2 released

JavaPowUpload 1.2 released. New interface, FTPS support and much more. Signed up to 2012 year. See changelog.html file.

PowUpload 1.3 updated. IIS 7 sample and last multiple upload controls added.


Element-IT Forum started. Now in testing mode. At nearest month it will be filled by info.

You can use email support as usual. Or try to use our Forum.

ActiveXPowUpload and JavaPowUpload controls has new code certificate up to 2012 year

ActiveXPowUpload 1.1 and JavaPowUpload 1.1.1 controls has new code certificate up to 2012 year. Existing customers can download trial version of these products and:
For ActiveXPowUpload replace old file with new
For JavaPowUpload replace lib/ folder with new.

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4 has been released

Ultimate Uploader v 1.4 has been released. Please see changes at history.txt file .

RSS feed added

We add rss feed to our web site. Now you have easy access to Element-IT news, product releases and other information from our company.

Promo websites,, etc. discontinued

Promo websites,,, discontinued to reduce design and SEO marketing work. Now all information stored at single website Promo websites redirects all requests to it.

Ultimate Uploader v 1.3 released

Ultimate Uploader v 1.3 released

Ultimate Uploader v 1.2.2 released

Ultimate Uploader v 1.2.2 released

JavaPowUpload 1.1.1 released

JavaPowUpload 1.1.1 released

Ultimate Uploader v1.0 released

Ultimate Uploader v1.0 released

FTP2Web v 1.0 released

FTP2Web v 1.0 released

MultiPowupload 2.1 released

MultiPowupload 2.1 released

JavaPowUpload v 1.1 released

JavaPowUpload v 1.1 released

ActiveXPowUpload 1.1 released

ActiveXPowUpload 1.1 released

Remote Master 1.0 released

New product of Alexander Miloradov, Remote Master 1.0 released.

MultiPowUpload v 2.0 released


MultiPowUpload v 1.8 released


JavaPowUpload 1.0 and ActivexPowUpload 1.0 final release available

We fixed known bugs at beta versions and now it is finished products.

Beta versions of JavaPowUpload and ActiveXPowUpload now available

We released new products JavaPowUpload and ActiveXPowUpload.

New product MultiPowUplod released

MultiPowUpload v 1.0 released

ASPPowUpload 1.0 released

ASPPowUpload 1.0 released.

FileMetadata .NET control 1.0 released

FileMetadata control released.

ImageProperties .NET control 1.0 released

We released v1.0 of ImageProperties product.

New product released: PowUpload - file upload control

PowUpload v.1.0 released.

Our new corporate web site created

Our new corporate web site created. New web site combines all products. Before we had individuals web sites for each product,,,